Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 987: Qing Yuanzi is angry!

"You bastard, I know that you have no good things to come back, Kunlun's business has not been resolved, and then Xuantianzong, you must first offend the repairing realm should not be offended! You give me honesty, except the dynasty Who are you offended?" Qing Zizi angered!

"Oh... this... that... there seems to be one more!" Cheng Yu looked sly, smiled, and said something embarrassed.

"Who else?" Looking at Cheng Yu's sly smile, the heart screamed through the jump, knowing that this guy must have offended someone who should not offend!

"Master, I can say first, these people are not supposed to offend, they first provoked me, they want the life of the apprentice, and finally I was given to you!" Cheng Yu said.

"You first talk about who you have offended?" Qing Zizi nodded.

"This... the Situ family of the Nine Great Family!" Cheng Yu said quietly.

"You are also offended by the nine family members. You stupid boy, I will kill you first. You are running back and let me wipe your ass!" Qing Yizi was angry and chased Cheng Yu. .

"Master, hey! I can really force it!" Cheng Yu shouted and was ready to fly toward the Wujifeng.

"You dare to say!"

"Uncle Shi, Sister, you are coming, help! Master's sick!" Cheng Yu suddenly saw the two people in front, suddenly shouted excitedly.

"You stinky boy, and my face is called my uncle, see I don't kill you!" Who knows the anger of Qing Yuanzi's face, killing Cheng Yu!

"Master! Help! Uncle Shi wants to kill!" Cheng Yu changed his face, quickly turned around and flew toward Qingzizi.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" This Qing dynasty is reluctant to start, and looked at the angry face of Qing Yuanzi.

"The good thing that the stinky boy did!" Qing Yuanzi pointed to Cheng Yu.

"Uncle Shi, I don't seem to get you!" Cheng Yu hid behind the Qingzi, and extended a head and said.

"You dare to say, you said what you did!" Qing Yuanzi angered.

"I.....I didn't do anything? Get up on time every day, sleep on time every night, very good!" Cheng Yu thought about it.

"You.....you still can't admit, what do you say to you about Xin Yao?" Qing Yuanzi pulled his daughter and said with anger.

"Hey!" Xin Yao's face is red, but it is a look of embarrassment.

"Ah?" Qingzi looked at Xinyao a little bit, and Xinyao was not the virgin body. This stinky boy wouldn’t really give Xinyao...

"Oh! It turned out to be this, Shi Shu, you will not object to me and my sister, we are both in love, love is more than Jin Jian!" Cheng Yu finally understood what Qing Yuanzi is angry, but not afraid. Stand up and say.

"You stupid boy, there are already so many wives, and dare to say that they are happy with the heart and heart!" Qing Yuanzi pointed to the women of Cheng Yu, said Cheng Yu.

"Hey.....this...there is no limit on the number of people in the ancient books. Besides, we are all fashionable young people in the new era. We are advocating free love, we are all Sincerely, we only have an open attitude towards love, so this.......hehe!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"You still **** with me. Today you are talking about heaven, and I can't spare you!" Qing Yuanzi said that he would start.

"Hey! Teacher, don't be angry, don't you listen to Xin Yao's thoughts! If she likes Xiaoyu, isn't it a good fight?" Qing Xuzi said the hand of Qing Yuanzi.

"What a great fight, this kid is full of flowers and intestines, and Xin Yao is naturally deceived by him!" Qing Yuanzi did not listen at all.

"Hey, I really like Cheng Yu, and I am willing to do it!" Xin Yao said, Qing Yuanzi said.

"You shut me up!" Qing Yuanzi took a happy Yao, but Xin Yao was a weeping woman who fell to the ground and grievances.

Cheng Yu saw the sad appearance of Xin Yao, and his heart was distressed. He quickly helped Xin Yao.

"Uncle Shi, I admit that I am a little bit emotional in terms of feelings, but my affection for my sister is absolutely true. No matter what the uncle does not recognize me today, but the sister is always my woman, I will protect her forever. Take care of her, never give up!" Cheng Yu took the hand of Xin Yao and said solemnly to Qing Yuanzi.

"You..." When I heard Cheng Yu’s words, Qing Yuanzi was suddenly stunned and didn’t know what to say.

"Uncle Shi, I ask you to promise me something to do with my sister. If you really don't want to forgive me, then the uncle will kill me. Anyway, my life is also saved by the Promise Palace. I am dead here without complaints." Repent!" Cheng Yu suddenly squatted in front of Qing Yuanzi, looking at him with a strong look!

"You....." Qing Yuanzi saw that Cheng Yu was so forced to him, and his heart was angry, but looking at Cheng Yu's firm eyes, the right hand raised was unable to get down.

"Hey, you will be ours, we are really sincere!" At this time, Xinyao also squatted beside Cheng Yu and cried.

"You..." Qing Yuanzi looked at the two people on the ground, and his heart was mixed.

"Teacher, you will fulfill them. If you look at them, isn't it too good? At least Xinyao is with him. She feels that she is happy. What is more important than her happiness?" Qing Xuzi also sighed and patted the shoulders of the younger brother and said.

Qing Yuanzi looked at the women on the side. Everyone in the eyes was anxious, worried, and moved. Then look at Xinyao and Cheng Yu. My heart is soft: "Yao, this is your choice. You can choose it later. do not regret!"

"Hey, are you promised?" Xinyao looked up and said excitedly.

"Thank you, Uncle!" Cheng Yu is also excited to say.

"Hey! Your kid gave me some care, if I let you know that you dare to be bad to heart Yao~www.ltnovel.com~ You see I don't screw your head down!" Qing Yuanzi looked coldly at his face. Yu.

"Oh, no, if I let the sister-in-law suffer a little wrong, I will screw my head down and give it to your chair!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"You know the best!" Qing Yuanzi snorted.

"Haha, you kid is going to change your mouth. Now you can't call the uncle again!" Qingzizi saw that this was a happy situation and said with a smile.

"This... oh... Father!" Cheng Yu looked awkward and said with a smile, this name is really a bit shouting.

"Hey! See you with anger, and give me honesty later, then dare to sneak around and see how I can clean you up!" Qing Yuanzi turned and left.

"Father and father walk slowly!" Cheng Yu was happy in his heart and shouted at the back of Qing Yuan.

Qing Yuanzi’s body trembled and almost fell to the ground. He looked at the Promise Palace disciples who had long known that they had been surrounded. They suddenly became angry and shouted: “Look what you see, don’t roll back and practice!” network

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