Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 991: Pretend!

"Oh? It turned out to be like this! But I remember that the girl did not seem to practice the practice of the Promise Palace, and now the girl has been sent to me to find Master, and began to practice, so you bring it back, afraid It’s not right!” Thousands of feathers were clear, and finally understood the other party’s intentions, but this girl is now a Xuantianzong person. How could he let them take people away in such a few words? Wouldn't it be too much for the face of his Xuan Tianzong?

"Although this female doll has never practiced my Promise Palace practice, but I have already sent a disciple with my disciples, it is natural to belong to my disciples. Even if this little girl wants to change the court, then she must go through his master or me. The approval of the Promise Palace is OK. Does Qianyu’s head think this is the truth?” Qing Yuanzi said with a smile.

"There is some truth, but this little girl is too small. Although she did not have her intentions in the beginning, she could not treat it like this!" Qian Yuzi smiled.

"What does it mean to have a thousand heads?" Qing Yizi next to him frowned.

"We mean that the girl is so small, maybe it was the door that was tempted by the disciples of your Promise Palace. The teacher's ceremony is not necessarily the same. We will not give you the people!" said the Chihiro. .

"You! When it comes to deception, it is also that you have deceived others. If it is not, then the small female doll is good in the world, and how can it be brought here by you. Anyway, she is our first stepless. The people of the palace, today we must take people away!" Qing Zizi listened to the other party not only distorted the facts, but also the wicked first complained, and the other was dissatisfied.

"Qing Xuzi, here is our Xuantianzong, you can't allow you to scatter here. Now people are already our Xuantianzong. No matter what reason you have, I don't want to take people away again!" Qianzhizi is tough Said.

"You..." Qing Zizi stood up and was very angry in his heart. But his own grandson was forcibly taken away by these shameless people. Now he is so rude, he has some unbearable.

"Senior brother!" Qing Yuanzi quickly stopped the Qingzizi. If it really happened, there would be no good results. Moreover, here is the territory of Xuantianzong, making trouble on their territory, even if he is the Promise Palace. The head of the house can not find anything cheap.

Qing Xuzi took two breaths and knew that it was not suitable for fire at this time, so he did not want to sit down. Thousands of feathers gestured to Chihiro, and Chihiro also sat down, but his face was full of smiles and looked at the imaginary son, especially when he saw the sorrowfulness of Qingzizi, it was even more proud!

"Thousands of feathers, please forgive me, my brother's emotions are somewhat impulsive!" Qing Yuanzi said.

"No problem, I can understand your feelings, but also as the Chihiro elders said, now this girl has entered my mysterious Tianzong, and sent her back to the Promise Palace, which is unlikely, but also please Yuanzhangmen forgive me!” Qian Yuzi smiled and said.

"Is there any other way for the thousand heads?" Qing Yuanzi frowned.

"This... The Promise Palace is also a place where talents come forth. Although the qualifications of this little girl are not bad, but the Promise Palace is not lacking such talents, why does the Qingyuan head insist on taking her back?" Qian Yuzi wants I want to say.

"Our Promise Palace has always been people-oriented. This little girl is my disciple who entered my sect by the permission of her parents. Now she is in your Xuan Tianzong, bringing her back is naturally the responsibility of our Promise Palace. It is also the will of her parents, so I hope that the head of Qianyu can see the relationship between the two factions for many years, and return Wu Xiner to our Promise Palace. My Promise Palace must be grateful!” Qing Yuanzi said.

"This..." Thousands of feathers frowned, and some hesitated.

"Hey, I have a way!" Chihiro suddenly stood up and said.

Qing Xuzi and Qing Yuanzi originally saw the look of thousands of feathers hesitating, and they felt a bit of joy in their hearts and felt that there was a play. But when I saw the look of the Chihiro, there was a bad feeling in my heart.

"What?" asked Qian Yuzi.

"This method will be replaced by people!" Chihiro said with a smile.

Both Qing Yuanzi and Qing Xuzi’s face sank, and they already knew what the other party wanted to do.

However, Qian Yuzi does not know whether he really does not know whether to pretend or not. He said in a timely manner: "I don't know what the meaning of the Chihiro elders means?"

"Hey, I don't know if you still remember. Some of our disciples of Xuantianzong died in a secular style in the world some time ago." Qianzhizi said with a smile, it seems very casual, but his eyes smugly and intentionally. Xu Zi and Qing Yuan Zi.

"It seems that I have heard this? This kind of behavior is simply too odious. Does the Chihiro elder know who this culprit is?" Thousands of feathers nodded, and his face showed an angry look, asking loudly. .

Although Qian Yuzi had an uninformed appearance, Qing Yuanzi and Qing Xuzi were sure that the two of them sang and drank, and they were playing a double spring.

Xuan Tianzong sent people to the world, and thousands of feathers could not be known, but now they pretend that they don’t know anything. If there is no ghost, then it is a hell.

"The head is angry, I sent some disciples to the secular and inquired during this time, and finally I know the identity of the person who killed my Xuan Tianzong disciple!" Chihiro said slowly.

"Oh? Who? Come and listen!" Thousands of feathers said anxiously.

"He is the disciple, this person is a disciple of the Promise Palace!"

"What! The disciple of the Promise Palace~www.ltnovel.com~ You will not make a mistake. Our Xuantianzong has always had a good relationship with the Promise Palace. It is like a brother's help. How can the disciples of the Promise Palace kill me? Tianzong disciple? Now Qingyuan head and Qingxu elders can be here, Chihiro elders can not be arranged casually, affecting the harmony between our two factions!" Thousands of feathers surprised, then pretending to be serious .

The Qing Yuanzi and the Qing Emperor and the Qing Dynasty were both angry and sullen, and Qingzizi squeezed his fists. He really wanted to give the two men a slap.

These two people are really abhorrent, and they are obviously like the mirror, but the two sing and drink, and the appearance of a benevolent morality, it is hateful, but the nameless fire in the heart has nowhere to vent.

"The Qingyuan head and the Qing Dynasty elders are also looking for forgiveness. If the Chihiro elders do not have enough evidence, but they want to filthy the Promise Palace and provoke the relationship between our two factions, I will never lightly excuse him!" Thousands of feathers turned their faces Looked at the Qing Yuanzi and said.

"In this case, please ask the Chihiro elders to make things clear!" Qing Yuanzi almost bit his teeth.

"Do not blame the two, I did not deliberately smash the meaning of your party!" Chihiroko a sincere and fearful fist to sin! Reading network

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