Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1023: Very special status

Thinking of this, Li Mingchao hurriedly said, "Where are those people who teach?"

"I came to you for this. Before, those people were gathered together and the team was huge. It was easy to find them, but now, they are just a few people. They are too mobile and it is not easy to find them."

"There are so many of you, help me. Let's go and kill all the people who cut the teaching!"

"Kill all...killed?"

People in the four great families have grown up with their mouths, and they are still a little unbelievable.

"Don't worry, Ding Guangxian's strength is left intact. The rest of the people, in a single strength, have preserved at most two or three tenths. If you meet, there is no danger."


Li Mingchao was a little dazed, looking at Li Zhen, this guy is not fooling him.

Surely it was, it wouldn't have killed too many people, angered Ding Guangxian and was chased by Ding Guangxian, right?

Li Zhen was chased by those people too much, and now he is looking for them as a substitute.

It must be so!

Li Mingchao gave his wise guess a 100 points.

Seeing the appearance of the four great families, Li Zhen curled his lips, "You don't want to go back, do you? As the four great families of ancient times, if you lose your word and get fat, it will be too cheap?"

Li Mingchao took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "Brother Li, don't tell me, I really want to regret it, not just me, you ask them."

These people all know how powerful Li Zhen is, and allowing Li Zhen to find help is enough to prove the strength of the other party.

Of course, Li Mingchao is just talking, he won't really regret it.

"Brother Li, I remind you, you'd better not really kill disciples like Ding Guangxian. Others will die if they die, but he, you'd better let it go."

One of Feng's family suddenly spoke.

Li Zhen was puzzled and looked at that person.

"Ding Guangxian's identity is very special..." the Feng family disciple said: "It is rumored that he is the illegitimate son of a certain elder brother, who was not taken seriously before, but some time ago, the son of that elder brother had something wrong with his practice. , I heard that the big guy is going to accept Ding Guangxian."

"If you kill Ding Guangxian, you are likely to offend that big man."

When Li Zhen heard it, he disagreed, the strong second generation?

He is too!

His mother, Cang Min, the elder of the Great Cang Mao clan!

His father, Shao Bai Daluo from the Thunder Beast clan!

Both of them are well-known strong men in the holy beast world, would he be afraid of a Ding Guangxian?

Seeing Li Zhen's appearance, everyone knew that Li Zhen disapproved.

But this is also in line with the character of Li Zhen they know.

"Inside... can the strong come in?" Li Zhen asked.

"No!" Li Mingchao shook his head. If the strong could come in, what else would they have?

Li Zhen pouted, "Then what are you afraid of?"

The strong can't make it, afraid of a goal?

Kill it!

"Let's go, let's go, and kill them. By the way, there is a big lizard. This guy made trouble before, otherwise I would have killed Ding Guangxian. When I see that thing, I have a set of trapping enemy formations, you four Doesn’t the family have a combination of strikes? Kill him for me!"

Hearing Li Zhen's understatement, he brought a big monster in the realm of the Great Emperor to him, making Lin Xi a little embarrassed.

Touched Luo Tianyi and motioned her to talk to Li Zhen.

This is to kill a monster in the Great Emperor Realm. Maybe there is a danger of death. Li Zhenbu explained to them that it feels deceptive. If they encounter that monster, these people are not mentally prepared and will appear. In the self-conflict situation, at that time, if there was a slight mistake, the face was death!

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