Hearing the words of these ridiculous people, Li Zhen frowned, pointed at the ridiculous person headed, and opened his mouth to Chen Meisheng and Feng Shanxin: "Two, I look down on you a little bit..."

Hearing Li Zhen's words, the surrounding humans felt dull. Is Li Zhen adding fuel to the fire?

When those ridiculous people heard Li Zhen's words, they looked around coldly, with smiles on their faces, but before their smiles covered their cheeks, they were interrupted by Li Zhen's next words.

"You two, were defeated by this group of chores?"




All the people around laughed exaggeratedly.

Li Zhen's speech speed is a bit fast, and the leading Huangren did not hear clearly, but seeing the faces of people around him, you know that Li Zhen is definitely not saying anything good!

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Huang Ren said, a Huang Ren next to this person suddenly snorted and killed him with a punch.

"court death!"

Li Zhen smiled coldly, and then greeted him with a punch.

"Brother Li, be careful, the breath of Huangren's body can erode our dantian. It's best not to contact them directly and use weapons against the enemy!"

Chen Meisheng reminded.

Li Zhen was anxious that their ancient aura would erode away.

Seeing the fist of the desolate man, Li Zhenyi grasped the fist of the desolate man.

The next moment, a feeling of jealousy and comfort suddenly appeared.

"Ding, you swallowed the aura of the ancients, evolution points-0.001 billion, strength + 0.005 dragons, mental strength + 0.005 s, control strength of all avenues + 0.005%!"

"Ding, you swallowed the aura of the ancients, evolution points-0.001 billion, strength + 0.005 dragons, mental strength + 0.005 s, control strength of all avenues + 0.005%!"


Hearing the electronic sound coming from the system, the feeling was like being on the edge of a stove, so refreshing that Li Zhen almost groaned!

Seeing Li Zhen squeezed his fist, the deserted man sneered.

The people around him even stared.

"This person is not to be afraid! It's just a vain name!"

Huangren’s body cannot be touched. This is common sense, even children in the fairy world know it, and Li Zhen did such a foolish thing under the reminder of others.

This is, there is a problem with the brain!

"Human, do you feel very uncomfortable? Feel like suffocating?"

The deserted people laughed, and the surrounding deserted people also sneered.

Xu Zhu and Luo Chengnan looked at each other and stopped paying attention here.

It seems that there are also times when the ranking is wrong.

If Li Zhen obeyed Chen Meisheng’s advice and wanted to kill this ridiculous man, it would not be surprising. However, Li Zhen must be stubborn. After being eroded by the atmosphere of the ridiculous age, even if Li Zhen can gain it, his strength will probably be great. discount.

"Boy, I know you are uncomfortable, don't hold on, as long as you promise to be my slave|li, I will promise to spare your life!"

Listening to the conversations of those people just now, the status of this person among humans does not seem to be low. If such a person can be taken into slavery, if you enter, your safety will be guaranteed.

Hearing the words of the desolate person, the eyes of the desolate people around looking at Li Zhen became playful.


At this moment, a scene that made everyone jaw-dropping appeared!

I saw Li Zhen slapped the deserted man in the face and said coldly: "How can the ancient aura on you be so thin? Waste, why do you keep it?"

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