Cloud man with leaves has been walking, she was a little uneasy.

"Master, what do I think of it as if you are all level 3 awakeners?"

Yunman carefully looks at Ye Li. Although she is a level 7 awakener, she always feels that Ye Li is somewhat unfathomable.

For example, she didn't know where the first order zombie had gone. When she thought of the first order zombie, she couldn't help being afraid.

That first-order zombie was like an iron tower, which made her breathless.

"Yes, I'm just a level 3 awakener." Ye Li nodded.

"Why did you insist on going to the east side?" Cloud man is astonished to look at leaf leave.

Ye Li did not answer, he sold a pass, do not want to say it now.

Seeing ye Li did not answer, Yunman had to sigh secretly and finally escaped from the eastern district. If he went again, his life would be hard to protect.

"Master, the eastern district is ahead."

Yunman points to the front, which is a dilapidated city.

Ye Li looks at the Eastern District and finds that it is much more broken than before. There must be a lot of zombies here.

Think of a lot of zombies, Ye Li is a little happy, as long as there are many zombies, then he can crazy synthesis.

Yunman looks at the smile on Ye Li's face. She is stunned. Why do they all come to the ghost gate and still smile.

"Let's go into the east side." The blade stage opens slowly.

Yunman nodded, and then they entered the eastern district.

Ye Li just arrived at the Eastern District, and Zombies were wandering in all directions.

He thinks that Yunman is right. There are many zombies in the eastern district.

"Master, a zombie is coming to us."

Yunman designated the front to exclaim!

"Oh! Oops

Ye Li found that more than 30 zombies rushed over, and he laughed.

"Don't do it!" Ye Li looks at Yunman and says.

Ye Li thinks that Yunman is a senior awakener. If he doesn't pay attention to killing some of these zombies, it will be more than worth the loss.

"Come out."

Ye Li released ADA.

"Subdue all these zombies."

After giving the order, ADA rushed to more than 30 zombies.

ADA is now a zombie of the first rank. With the ability reserved in front of him, his strength is so terrible.

How can these more than 30 zombies resist ADA? In an instant, they are knocked to the ground by ADA.

Yunman is frozen in place like a clay sculpture. As expected, this first-order zombie is really a person from Ye Li.

Ye Li ignored Yunman's astonishment, he began to synthesize more than 30 zombies.

A male Zombie A male zombie.

A female Zombie A female zombie.

More than 30 zombies are grade 1 zombies.

Ye Li synthesized more than 30 zombies into a grade 5 male zombie and a grade 5 female zombie.

Ye Li is not very satisfied and hopes to meet another wave of corpses.

"Master, how can more than 30 zombies become two? And their grades have been upgraded."

Yunman finally summoned up the courage to ask the question she wanted to ask.

"That's why I came to the east side." Ye Li said with a slow smile.

"Drop by drop!"

At this time, Yunman's communication meter rings.

As the name suggests, the communication table is used for communication. Unlike the mobile phone, the communication table uses energy and does not need to be charged at all.

The cloud presses a button, and a virtual surface appears in front of it.

There is a beautiful woman on the virtualization surface.

"Yunman, are you in the east side? How can others not get in touch with you?"

"Teacher, I..."

"Stop talking. Send the coordinates. We'll come to you."

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