Ye Li looked at Chen Qi. "After that, you will be the leader of the white lotus sect."

Chen Qiyi was surprised, "master, you..."

"Why, no?"

"Yes, I will."

Chen Qi was overjoyed in an instant. He did not even dream that he could become the leader of the white lotus sect in his life.

"You go." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Chen Qi was stunned. He looked at Ye Li quietly and found that Ye Li's face was as calm as water, as if nothing had happened.

The master is really the master. The master is always so hidden.

Immediately, Chen Qi took the remaining members of the white lotus religion and went to the white lotus religion.

Ye Li looked at the more than 5000 zombies of different levels, both men and women.

Tall, short, fat, thin and fat are different. If there was a zombie blind date meeting, it might be interesting.

These zombies are all the zombies in the east city. Ye Li opens the synthetic lattice in his mind and begins to synthesize these zombies.

It took some effort to synthesize more than 5000 zombies. Finally, Ye Li synthesized a third-order male zombie and a third-order female zombie.

Full of harvest, Ye Li's face rarely showed a touch of excited smile.

Now it's time to open the super treasure map.

Find the super treasure map in system space and click to open it.

"Will the host open the super treasure map?"


"The super treasure map is opening..."

“10%… 30%… 60%… 100。”

"Location, Xishan mound."

In Ye Li's mind, coordinates appear.

He looked at it and found that the Xishan mound was no longer within the scope of Annam base city.

However, if you want to go to Xishan mound, you don't need to go through other cities. You just need to go from the mountain.

Xishan random burial mound is not a disorderly burial mound. Ye Li literally understood it in this way. Could it be that there could be some amazing treasure.

Thinking of this, Ye Li felt that this super treasure map was blind. He thought there was something good.

But I still have to go and have a look.

Ye Li according to the coordinates in mind, on a mountain, and then along the mountain road ahead.

Also do not know how long to walk, leaves from finally arrived at the destination, he wiped the sweat on the forehead.

Ye Li looked at the scene in front of him.

Desolation, endless desolation.

There are desolate tombs everywhere, incomplete tombstones, and the characters engraved on them become blurred with the passage of time.

From time to time came a few strange birds of terror, listening to a burst of scalp numbness.

The boundless night is shrouded in the desolate graves. The ghost fire can be seen everywhere. The cold moon hangs high in the night sky, and the cold moonlight sprinkles on the tombstone, which makes the tombstone look particularly dazzling.

"Sure enough, it's a mass grave." Ye Li said to himself.

We call ADA, Hongye and Baiwa out of the system space.

Ye Li vaguely feels that there is something extraordinary about this disorderly burial mound in the western mountain. He'd better be careful. Maybe there's something strange hidden here.

But this super treasure map only says that the location is here. How to find it? It's not about digging graves. Ye Li feels some headache. As a passer-by, he seems to have some bad feelings in his conscience.

But now it seems that this is the only one that works.

When ye Li was ready to start, he actually heard the voice of speaking.

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