When ye Li swallows the golden pill, the wind butterfly also swallows the golden pill.

Her face was overjoyed because she had broken through from the second level to the fifth level.

"I've reached the fifth level." Windbutterfly is surprised to say to Ye Li.

"Not bad." Ye Li said faintly.

He thought that now that the treasure had been found, it was time to go out.

Then, Ye Li and wind butterfly go out to the red ghost cave.

It wasn't long before they were in the desert, and the gene warriors came out.

"You're out at last!"

An angry voice came into Ye Li's ear.

Ye Lishun looks at her voice and finds that it is Gao Shuangqing who is not talking to anyone else.

Gao Shuangqing was taught a lesson when he was not in the ghost coffin of Shahe. He could even guess with his toes. Now he is coming to revenge.

"Gao Shuangqing, what do you want?" Feng die stares at Gao Shuangqing and says.

Gao Shuangqing is a cold smile, "wind butterfly, your home has been destroyed by my family."

"You, what do you say?"

The expression on Feng die's face solidified.

After Gao Shuangqing was injured by Ye Li, he returned to his family and the family was furious.

After he told the whole story, his family destroyed the wind butterfly family and sent the experts to the desert.

"You don't like me when I pursue you so much." Gao Shuangqing disdains to look at the wind butterfly, "I just want to let you regret!"

At this time, dozens of gene warriors in the Gao family have surrounded Ye Li and Fengdie.

In the desert, many gene warriors feel that Ye Li and Fengdie are doomed, and their faces all show a touch of pity.

"Gao Shuangqing, I want you to die!"

Suddenly, the wind butterfly moved.

The wind butterfly is not the wind butterfly that used to be. Now she is the king level realm of five terraces. At the moment, her eyes are red and her family is destroyed. What a deep hatred.

Not only with Gao Shuangqing, but also with the whole Gao family, we have a hatred of three rivers and four seas.

Leaves from a faint smile, face crown such as jade's face does not have the slightest fluctuation.

Gao Shuangqing thought that wind butterfly was only a second level realm, and other gene warriors of the family did not fight.

When he and Fengdie are on, Gao Shuangqing is stunned. It's too late to shout.

One shot to death!!!


All the gene warriors present were shocked.

Little Lord!

The Gao family's gene warriors all cried out. They didn't expect such a situation.

"You can't live either!"

The gene warriors who surround Yeli and fengdiei are king level realm of three terraces, and naturally they will not be the opponents of wind butterflies.


For a moment, screams were heard.

Fengdie's clothes are covered with blood, which makes the scalp numb.

Silence, a long silence.

"Master, I'm going to destroy the Gao family." The wind butterfly says to Ye Li.

"Yes." Ye Li nodded.

Gao family is the strongest family in sand land!

Wind butterfly leaves with the leaves to Gao's home.

Obviously, the gatekeepers outside the Gao family also know Feng die, and they are all scared to death.

"Fengdie, you, how do you..."

This Gao's son did not finish his words, and he would never have a chance to say it.

Just in an instant, all the four GAOs' gatekeepers died.

Ye Li looks at the wind butterfly's back, secretly thinks that anyone can become murderous, as long as she suffers from real despair.

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