Ye Li came to a village.

There are still quite a few gene warriors in this village, and it seems that outsiders are not welcome. They all look at Ye Li with a grim face.

Ye Li ignores them. He releases the wind butterfly from the system space. At this time, the wind butterfly is still in a coma.

The villagers were surprised. They rubbed their eyes, but anyhow, the wind butterfly was still in front of them.


They really don't understand when the wind butterfly appeared beside Ye Li.

Ye Li released the last legion from the system space.

"You go and look around." Ye Li said to the last legion.

On hearing this, the last legion left in all directions.

When the last legion disappeared in Ye Li's view, he found that the villagers in the village had been carved with clay and wood.

"Is this man a powerful gene warrior?"

"Is there any use in saying that?"

"I think it may be a strong one at the level of King level."

As soon as this remark was made, all the villagers were shocked.

The strong one of the king level realm?

Then they all shook their heads, thinking that this was impossible. How high was the status of the strong man in the first level King level realm? How could they come to their small village?

Ye Li raises his palm, and a gentle aura goes towards the wind butterfly. He removes the memory of the wind butterfly.

There's no way. If he doesn't, Fengdie may become a disabled person from now on.

Windbutterfly slowly opened her eyes.

"You, who are you?"

Wind butterfly quickly and leaves from the distance, scared to see leaves from.

The villagers realized that Ye Li was a bad person. They thought that Ye Li must have seen Fengdie beautiful and kidnapped her.

"Don't be afraid, girl. We are here."

Immediately, hundreds of villagers surrounded Ye Li.

Ye Li smiles. It's really interesting to think about these villagers.

"What do you want?" Leaves from the mouth slowly.

An old villager stares at Ye Li, "you are a bad man!"

Leaf from a happy, to the elderly villagers light said: "never say I am a bad man."

"Of course, don't say I'm a good man."

All the villagers were stunned at the words, and didn't understand what ye Li meant.

"I know her." Ye Li said.

"No way!" The old villagers cheered.

This old villager is an ancient and rare old man. He is also a gene warrior and an eight step celestial selector.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Find a place for me to rest." Ye Li said slowly.

The villagers are shocked. Where have they seen people like Ye Li before? Can't he tell what the situation is now?

"You villain, you still want to find a place to rest?"

Ye Li did not answer, he opened his hand, the source of fine fire appeared in his palm.


Suddenly, leaves from the sky to throw out the original essence of fire.

The original essence of fire formed a fire dragon and went towards the sky.

The sky It turned red.

How can it be!!!

All the villagers were shocked. Even if they wanted to spend ten days and ten nights, they would not have thought that such a scene would appear.

"Can you find me a place to rest now?" Leaf from the light glance at the villagers said.

The villagers came back to their senses and their faces were shocked.

"Yes, yes." The old man replied quickly.

Later, the old man took Ye Li and Fengdie to his home.

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