The onlookers were also scared silly, they just want to break the head, did not expect Ye Li to be so terrible.

Hu Si is more than three spirits without two souls, seven Spirits without six spirits.

"I, I am a member of the Blackwater gang. If you dare to do anything to me, you..."


Hu Si's words are not finished, but he will never have a chance to say it. His life has disappeared in this world forever.

All passers-by were shocked to see Ye Li, and they found that Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, as if nothing had happened.

"Even the people of the Blackwater Gang dare to move. It's too powerful."

"Yes, who doesn't know that the Heishui Gang is a force under the Lin family of Fengyun city."

"They are from other places. Naturally, they don't know how terrible the Blackwater Gang is."

All the people on the road were whispering.

Black water Gang?

Ye Li, of course, has never heard of the name of the black water gang.

"Ling'er, why don't we go to Heishui Gang first?" Ye Li said to the poor spirit.

"Good." Poor spirit nodded.

He Ye Li is such a person, doing things without any reason.

Not long ago, Ye Li and poor Ling then went outside the Heishui gang.


A dozen gene warriors stopped Ye Li and poor spirit.

These ten gene warriors all have dog's head and Toad face.

"Do you know this is the black water Gang?"

A sixth level celestial elector stares at Ye Li and poor Ling coldly.

"Yes." Ye Li said faintly.

A dozen gene warriors were stunned, "since you know, you dare to come here?"

"I'm here to break into your Blackwater gang. Where can I come if I don't come here?" Leaves from the face crown such as jade's face to play up.

The more than ten gene warriors of the Blackwater gang got angry and yelled at Ye Li and poor Ling:

"I think you are looking for death!"

Sound down, more than a dozen black water Gang gene warrior then toward Ye Li and poor spirit attack.

It's a pity that they are the opponents of Ye Li and poor spirit.


More than a dozen screams appeared, these gene warriors all fell to the ground, their eyes wide open, already dead.

The black water Gang certainly heard the news.

Suddenly, from the black water gang out of a lot of gene warrior, there are hundreds of people, they leave ye and poor spirit to surrounded.

Ye Li doesn't understand. He really doesn't understand why these forces always like to surround him.

Are there too many people Is there a chance of success?

"You have eaten the courage of bear heart leopard, how dare you kill my Blackwater Gang people!"

A second-order thoroughfare said coldly to Ye Li and poor spirit.

Ye Li naturally does not want to have too much nonsense with these mole ants.


A flash of cold light hit the Blackwater Gang headquarters.

The sound of the sword and the sound of the dragon are endless, and the illusion of a five clawed blood dragon is perched on the top of Ye Li's head.

"This sword..."

All the people of the black water Gang swallowed their saliva. They just felt that they had entered a samsara with a glance at Taigu Longyuan sword.

"Xuantianba magic sword formula!"

See Ye Li jump up, SSS God level skill xuantianba magic sword Jue cut out.


Black water gang ACE!

In Ye Li's eyes, the black water Gang is really just a very weak force, but such a force has provoked him, that is, it is really pitiful.

"Ling'er, go to the poor and strange royal family." Ye Li said slowly to the poor spirit.

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