Su Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Liang and said coldly:

"I'm here for revenge!"

Zhang Liang was stunned at first, then he looked up and laughed, as if he had never heard such a funny joke before.

Ha ha ha!!!

After laughing, the sarcasm on Zhang Liang's face became more obvious.

"Su Xiaoxiao, I think you are crazy and want to revenge."

At this time, people on the street also gathered around and watched. They were all surprised. They didn't understand why Ye Li and Su Xiaoxiao dared to have a positive dialogue with Zhang Liang. Didn't they know that Zhang Liang was the young master of Zhang Jia.

"She's not mad. You are." Leaves from light looking at Zhang Liang said.

Zhang Liang smell speech Leng Leng God, he disdained to look at Ye Li, "what are you, how dare you talk to me like this?"

The onlookers also thought that Ye Li was a bit ridiculous. He dared to speak to master Zhang Liang like this. It's too long for him.

Ye Li shook his head, and he couldn't help sighing.

"Do you know what will happen to you when you say that?" Leaves from the light looking at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang sneered, "Oh? Then tell me what will happen to me

All of them sighed, thinking that ye Lizhen was a God made evil that could be forgiven, and that he could not live.

"One word." Ye Li looked at Zhang Liang, "dead."

When Zhang Liang heard this, he wanted to laugh again, but his mouth just opened, but he didn't laugh.

Just because he'll never laugh.

This, this, this

All the onlookers stepped back a few steps away. Their faces were full of panic. There was an amazing blood hole on their bright forehead.

Zhang Liang fell to the ground. His eyes were wide open. He was already in a state of death. Until he died, he did not expect to die like this.

"Master Zhang Liang is dead?"

All of them were petrified. They wanted to break their heads, but they didn't think that Zhang Liang would die.

On the contrary, Ye Li's face, of course, has no fluctuation.

"Let's go." Ye Li looks at Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded, and then walked to Zhangjia with Ye Li.

Zhangjia is the strongest family in Heishui City, and Zhang Liang's death naturally spread to Zhangjia immediately.

Zhang Jia's main shock was furious and sent many gene warriors to cut Ye Li and Su Xiaoxiao into pieces.

Ye Li and Su Xiaoxiao have not yet gone to Zhangjia, hundreds of gene warriors surrounded them.

All of a sudden, a middle-aged man came over with an opening in the circle.

The middle-aged man had an angry look on his face.

Ye Li looked at the middle-aged man lazily, and found that the middle-aged man was only six steps of King level realm, which made him unable to mention any interest.

"Master devil, he is Zhang Yukun, the five elders of Zhangjia." Su Xiaoxiao said to Ye Li.

Zhang Yukun, the five elder of Zhangjia, looks at Ye Li and Su Xiaoxiao.

"Su Xiaoxiao?"

Zhang Yukun's look was extremely overcast and cold, "I didn't expect you invited a helper, and also killed Xiao Liang."

"Ha ha."

Su Xiaoxiao gave a cold smile, "Zhang Yukun, when you destroyed my su family in the past, how did you ever think that there would be today?"

When Zhang Yukun heard the speech, he burst into a rage from the top of his head.

"Did you kill Xiao Liang?" Zhang Yukun stares at Ye Li's cold mouth.

Leaf leaves from the face crown such as jade on the face of light, "a mole ant just, killed also killed."

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