Ye Li is now in the wild.

The wild is much more terrifying than the base city. There are zombies and dark races in the wild.

Now the last legion is making zombies everywhere, and he doesn't need to synthesize any zombies.

Ye Li is walking on a path.


Suddenly, a woman's voice came into his ears.

Ye Li looks at it with Tianling pupil and finds that a dozen purple tiger dark races are chasing an 18-year-old girl.

These dark races of purple tiger are all tiger heads and human bodies, and all of them are level Four.

Before long, the 18-year-old girl ran to Ye Li's eyes.

The girl saw Ye Li, as if she had grasped the straw to save her life. She quickly called out to Ye Li:


The girl ran to Ye Li's side. She wanted to continue running, but she found that Ye Li's face did not have the slightest fear of fluctuation, as if she took more than a dozen purple tiger dark race as the air.

More than a dozen purple tiger dark race stopped at the sight, and they were staring at Ye Li.

"Man, why don't you run?"

In the eyes of these dark purple tiger races, Ye Li should also run away like the 17-year-old girl.

"Why should I run?" Ye Li looks at more than a dozen purple tiger dark race.

The dozen purple tiger were all stunned when they heard their words in the dark.

"You are not afraid of death, man?" A third-order purple tiger looks at Ye Li with great puzzlement.

Ye Li said with a smile, "I'm naturally afraid of death, but I can't be killed by your nonsense."


More than a dozen third-order purple tiger were shocked. They never thought that Ye Li would dare to say such a thing.

The 17-8-year-old girl was shocked. She thought whether the man who was rich in gods and jade was a superior one?

Thinking of this, the girl saw the hope, she felt that if ye Li was not the strongest, how could she not change her face.

"Man, I'll come and eat you now!"

A third-order purple tiger opens its mouth to Yeli lenglengleng.

With that, the three-level purple tiger then pounced on Ye Li.


Ye Li sighed, why do people always think that they can kill him?


Ye Li's fingers burst out with a terrible spirit power attack.

The third-order purple tiger who rushed to Ye Li was shocked. He wanted to avoid the terrible attack of spiritual power, but it was too late.


The third-order purple tiger screamed, and the terror power attack had penetrated his body.

How could that be possible?

The remaining ten or so three-level purple tiger were all shocked.

The girl was also shocked. She thought that Ye Li was a strong man, but she didn't expect Ye Li to be so strong.

"Man, you, what state are you?" A third level purple tiger said to Ye Li.

Ye Li said with a smile, "do you think I will tell you?"

Hearing this, more than a dozen third-order purple tiger all gnawed their teeth.

"Let's go together, I don't believe we can't kill this human!"

Sound fall, more than a dozen three-level purple tiger toward Ye Li Fei.

Ye Li looked at the girl, he said faintly: "do you believe that I can kill them with my eyes?"


The girl didn't respond at all.

But I saw: Ye Li looked at more than a dozen three-level purple tiger, he urged the heavenly spirit pupil.

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