Black stone gorge?

Ye Li doesn't know where Heishi gorge is.

"My Lord, black stone gorge is full of poisons, which is the forbidden area of life in the south of the border. Not long ago, many gene warriors went to Heishi gorge and all died."

The deputy leader of black heart mountain said to Ye Li.

Ye Li asked the direction of the black stone gorge, and then he spread out his hand.

Liu Ling saw Ye Li's hand spread out. He naturally knew what ye Li meant. She put her hand on Ye Li's hand.

Immediately, Ye Li urged God to walk a hundred steps and disappeared in the original place, leaving only the black heart mountain square a face of consternation in place.


Outside Heishi gorge.

"Master, just now that man said that black stone gorge is full of poisons. Do we really want to go in?" A look of fear appeared on Liu Ling's white face.

"Are you afraid?" Ye Li looks at Liu Ling.

Ye Li thinks that he is carrying therapy, and the poison is nothing.

"I, I'm not afraid." Liu Ling stammered.

Leaf from a smile, "since not afraid of words, then we go in."

Sound falls, leaves from toward the black stone gorge walked past.

Liu Ling looked at the back of Ye Li, and then a bite teeth also followed up.

Black stone gorge can not see any flowers and trees, everything is black, even the stone is black, and there are miasma in the canyon.


Liu Ling's voice suddenly weakened.

Ye Li turned back and found that Liuling had been poisoned.

He quickly cured Liu Ling with the treatment.

Ye Li thinks that it is not a way to go on like this, he opened the integral mall in his mind, and bought the anti poison medicine in the integral mall.

"Drink it." Ye Li handed over the antidote.

Liu Ling naturally knew that Ye Li would not harm her. She took the antidote and drank it.


Liu Ling was a little surprised. She felt uncomfortable after entering the black stone gorge, but now she doesn't feel any more.

"Let's find the elixir." Ye Li said slowly.

Liu Ling nodded. She thought that the elder would look for the elixir. She would look for the Ganoderma lucidum. The Ganoderma lucidum could live and die. The flesh was white. She had to use the Ganoderma lucidum to save her grandfather.

Kung Fu pays off.

After looking for more than ten minutes, Ye Li found a drug on a cliff.

This medicine is human in shape and looks terrible.

"Master, that's the medicine."

Liu Ling said to Ye Li in a hurry.

Leaf from smell speech face crown like jade's face appeared a touch of wonderful color.

Then he flew to the cliff and took the medicine down.

He didn't care whether it was a holy drug or not, and swallowed it in one mouthful.

In an instant, Ye Li felt that he was about to break through.

After a few seconds, Ye Li went from level 1 to level 2.

"Master, can you and I find Tianchan Ganoderma lucidum?" Liu Ling looks at Ye Li, her eyes have a deep meaning of begging.

Ye Li nodded, and he looked for it with the Tianling pupil.

"Found it."

Ye Li walked past.

Liu Ling quickly followed up, can see after the silkworm Ganoderma lucidum, Liu Ling's face began to become pale.

It's just because Ganoderma lucidum has withered.

At the moment, Liu Ling's whole strength seemed to be drained, and she stepped back several steps.

"Is Ganoderma lucidum very important this day?" Ye Li looks at Liu Ling.

"My grandfather was seriously injured by the dark race. I'm going to save my grandfather with Ganoderma lucidum, but now..."

Liu Ling did not continue to say, her eyes have overflowed with tears.

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