Ye Li looked at the hundreds of gene warriors who rushed to him. He couldn't help shaking his head.

Later, he took the Taigu Longyuan sword out of the system space.

Suddenly, a flash of cold light appeared in the eyes of hundreds of gene warriors.

Hundreds of gene warriors were all shocked. They stopped and were shocked in their pupils because they thought that the Taigu Longyuan sword in Ye Li's hand was too terrible.

"You have a chance to live, but you choose to fight me." Ye Li raised Taigu Longyuan sword, "so you all have to die."

Sound falling, sword falling.

A terrifying sword flies away.

Hundreds of gene warriors looked at the flying sword, and they were all frightened.


Suddenly, hundreds of gene warriors fell to the ground, and the scene was once appalling.

"How could that be possible?"

When he saw this, he couldn't help but be shocked. He couldn't believe it was true even if he wanted to spend ten days and ten nights.

Leaves from a faint smile, face crown such as jade's face is naturally not the slightest fluctuation.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?" Ye Li looks at the city master of Donglei base.

Chi Cheng didn't dare to pass. He knew that there was only one end in the past, that is, death.

If he had known that Ye Li was such a terrible person, when he saw Ye Li, he would have chosen to turn around and run.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.

"I'm the city Lord of Donglei base city. How can you..."

Chi Cheng originally wanted to use his own identity to make Ye Li retreat from difficulties, but he was wrong. Ye Li was never afraid of being threatened by anyone.

His words of course did not finish, his life will disappear from this world forever.

Leaves with ginger snow out of the city of Donglei base.

"You go to the sword clan in the north." Ye Li said to Jiang Xue.

Ye Li thinks Jiang Xue must not stay in Donglei base city.

Jiang Xuewen's face was a little scared. After all, it was another scene.

"Don't be afraid. When you get to the sword school, say it's me." Ye Li continued.

Jiang Xue nodded and left here.


Ye Li thinks that the purpose of his coming to the south is to play with the demon family.

The fiend's territory was in the fire, and he began to move towards the fiend's territory.

Finally, Ye Li came to Huo Shan.

"Why, are you Ye Li?"

Suddenly, a voice came into Ye Li's ear.

Ye Li looked up and found it was Zhu Ning.

Zhu Ning is the one who wants to marry the poor spirit, but because of the appearance of Ye Li, he is a failure.

"Ye Li, how could you be in the south?" Zhu Ning don't understand looking at Ye Li.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, "if I said is to your fire demon clan to have a look, will you believe it?"

Zhu Ning, of course, did not believe it. In his opinion, Ye Li could not come to their fire demon clan for no reason.

"Ye Li, since you are here, go and sit in the fire hole?" Zhu Ning said.

Ye Li nodded. Then they went up to the huoyao mountain and went into the fire hole.

"Who do you think is coming, brother?"

Zhu Ning called to a young man.

The young man turned back and immediately stepped back three steps, with a shock on his face.

"Ye Li?"

This young man is no other than Zhu Ning's elder brother Zhu Tian.

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