Wu Xueer can't even dream of how Ye Li did it.

"Secret." Ye Li said slowly to Wu Xueer.

Wu Xueer didn't dare to go on because she knew that the existence like Ye Li didn't like other people's words.

At this time, the zombies synthesized by Ye Li came back with thousands of zombies.

Wu Xueer looks at so many zombies, her white face can not help but appear a look of horror.

She quickly looked at the leaves from a glance, but found that leaves from the face crown like jade face did not have the slightest fluctuation.

Seeing this, she was relieved.

Before long, thousands of zombies fell to the ground. Ye Li opened the synthetic lattice in his mind and began to synthesize these zombies.

Wu Xueer is really too curious. She really wants to know how Ye Li does it, but she knows Ye Li won't tell him.

Half a month later, Ye Li integrated all the zombies in the zombie gathering place.

He's made a third order zombie.

He asked the third level Heavenly King level zombie to go to any corpse of the last World Legion. The corpse of the last world army is also the third level King level zombie now.

"Let's go." Ye Li looks at Wu Xueer and says that he thinks that Jindi Dan has also been obtained and the zombie has been synthesized. It's time to leave.

Wu Xueer's pale face is lonely again, because she knows Ye Li won't help her. She has to be chased by the gene warrior of the royal family when she returns to xiyuncheng.

If she had known this, she should not have been impulsive to kick the little master's egg.

However, she did not think that she and Ye Li had not yet arrived in Xiyun city. When they just came out of the zombie gathering place, they met the gene warrior of the Wang family.

Dozens of Wang's gene warriors surrounded Ye Li and Wu Xueer.

"Wu Xueer, even if you run to the ends of the earth, you can't escape from the palm of our Wang family." A gene warrior from the king level of three terraces speaks coldly to Wu Xueer.

Wu Xueer is surprised. She looks at Ye Li for help, but she finds that Ye Li's face still has no fluctuation. Looking at Ye Li's look, she can't help but get a little flustered.

"Get out of the way."

Just when the gene warrior of the three terraces King level realm was ready to say something, Ye Li suddenly opened his mouth.

The third terrace King level gene warrior and dozens of Wang family gene warrior are stunned, they all look at Wu Xueer's side Ye Li.

"Who are you to let us get out of the way?" Third terrace King level gene warrior extremely disdains looking at Ye Li.

Ye Li said with a smile, "I'm the one you can't afford."

As soon as this word came out, dozens of gene warriors were all in a daze. Even if they wanted to go on ten days and ten nights, they couldn't expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

"It seems that your relationship with Wu Xueer is unusual." The king gene warrior of the third terrace smiles coldly at Ye Li.

Ye Limian's face was full of clouds and breeze. He spoke slowly to the king level gene warrior in the third terrace:

"if you don't let go, your lives will disappear from this world forever."


This crazy Wu group all dare to hear the words of Wang Tuan Tuan Tuan, they have been so shocked by Zhang's words?

"It seems that you are too long for your life." The third terrace King level gene warrior stares at Ye Li and says.

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