Ye Li and Wu Xueer left the Wang family.

"Thank you, master."

Wu Xueer is very grateful to see Ye Li.

Ye Li's face is as calm as water. He says slowly to Wu Xueer: "nothing to thank."

"By the way, master, in a few days, the four major schools of Xiyun will come to our Xiyun college to select students. Do you want to go and see it?"

"Are you still a student?"

Ye Li was a little surprised, just because in his eyes, Wu Xueer should not be a student.

However, he was relieved, thinking that there were a hundred different kinds of people in the world.

"See then." Ye Li said faintly.

Then, he felt the position of the last legion with his heart and found that the latter army was still composing zombies all over the Northern Territory.

The third level Heavenly King level zombie he synthesized in the zombie gathering place has been synthesized with him. ADA is now the fourth level Heavenly King level zombie.

Ye Li found a room to live in the West Cloud.


Three days later.

This day can be regarded as the biggest day of xiyuncheng in three years.

Only because the four main schools of xiyundi want to come to Xiyun college in Xiyun city to select their disciples.

The four main gates of xiyundi are as follows:

guiyuanzong, qiyunmen, qingfengzong and kuxiu hall.

Four major gates for the West Cloud of the many gene warriors, absolutely need to look up to the existence, but in the eyes of Ye Li, that is pitifully small.

Ye left for Xiyun University.

At the moment, there are many gene warriors in Xiyun University. They all come to see the fun.

Suddenly, a man hit Ye Li.

This is a very unruly looking man.

Ye Li didn't want to see the man as a matter of fact. He didn't even look at the man in his right eye.

The man saw Ye Li actually took him as the air, and he couldn't help getting upset.

"I hit you, are you not convinced?" The man stares at Ye Li and says.

Many gene warriors outside Xiyun University saw this situation, and they all gathered around. Of course, they would not miss out.

"It's Wu Cheng."

"Wu Cheng is the nephew of the king's family leader. He is really miserable."

"Yes, who let Wu Cheng look down on him?"

Ye Li doesn't understand. He really doesn't understand why there are so many ants in the world who can't help themselves. Do they have so much time to practice it?

"Disappear." Ye Li said faintly.


Wu Cheng didn't expect Ye Li to be so calm in the face of him.

Is it not afraid of him, or do not know who he is.

"I'm going to tell you who I am now. Stand up. I'm afraid you'll be scared to death." Wu Cheng said with a cold smile, "I'm the nephew of the king of the West Cloud City."

Some gene warriors outside Xiyun University who don't know Wu Cheng's identity smell speech all look at each other, and they naturally can't provoke Wu Cheng.

In Wu Cheng's opinion, Ye Li will be scared to death after he knows his identity.

It's a pity that he just wanted to break his head. What he didn't expect was that Ye Li didn't break his head and blood. On the contrary, her face was very light.

Seeing this, Wu Cheng couldn't help getting angry.

"You, why are you not afraid?" Wu Cheng looked at Ye Li and said.

"It's just ants. Why should I be afraid?" Ye Li asked Wu Cheng.


As soon as this was said, all the gene warriors outside Xiyun University were shocked.

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