Thousands of armored vehicles were destroyed by the dark race and zombies, and the huge zombies rushed in again.

Ye Li is also wielding dozens of blazing fire sabres. The scope of attack of these zombies is too wide to play a substantive role at all.

After jumping on the city wall, Ye Li synthesized more than 200 zombies. Now there are thousands of zombies.

These zombies are in the periphery, where can we break in.

Just then, ADA, Hongye, Baiwa and Yutong arrived.

Ye Li ordered them to come up to the wall.

Four members of the last legion jumped on the wall, and Kanglin and yunmu were shocked.

But before they had time to make any response, Ye Li jumped down the wall with them.

ADA, Hongye, Baiwa and Yutong begin to attack the zombies.

Ye Li jumps up several meters, and then waves the knife.

The fire blade devours zombies crazily. It's a tragedy in the world.

After Ye Li fell to the ground, he began to synthesize zombies.

The four members of the eschatological Legion attacked fiercely and the progress was much faster.

In a short period of time, Ye Li synthesized thousands of zombies.

Now the thousands of zombies are in Ye Li's side, Ye Li let the thousands of zombies rush past.

At this point, the effect of the fury potion disappears.

Ye Li's fire Sabre technique is much weaker. Ye Li doesn't think much about it. He opens the integral mall and buys a raging potion and drinks it.

Thousands of zombies in the huge group of zombies are like mole ants, and all of them die instantly.

More than 3000 zombies have been synthesized in the periphery, but they are far from enough.

The attack of ADA, Hongye, white doll and Yutong was discovered by the dark race.

The dark races come crazy and fight with them.

At this point, they are no longer able to attack other zombies.

On the wall, the army used firepower to suppress the zombies. However, Annam base city is too small, which can be said to be a very small one.

Spell it!!!

Ye Li is angry, he spent 500000 points to buy ten fury potions.

All drink down, leaves from this time like a real devil in general.

His hair turned red and he stood on his head.

The clothes and trousers on his upper body were all stretched out, revealing a body like a dragon. The color of his body was even scarlet.


Ye Li is talking like thunder at the moment, and his breath is shaking.

Cut out with a knife, so terrible!

The clouds of the nine days droop, and the waters of the four seas stand.

The dark race that fought with the last legion was instantly melted by the sea of fire.

Ye Li urges God to walk a hundred steps and shuttles back and forth among the huge zombies. Where can his speed be captured by the naked eye.

"This How could that be possible? "

Kanglin and yunmu opened their eyes and looked at the middle of the zombie group below. The blood flowed out incessantly, giving people great visual shock.

The battlefield has become a river of blood!!!

Looking at this scene, a skeleton undead of the sixth level Epee was so shocked that he couldn't understand why there was such a existence in this small Annan base city.

And the knife in his hand Is it dragon butcher's knife?

The skeleton undead of the sixth stage Epee is the leader of this attack on Annam base city. The purpose of attacking Annam base city is naturally to capture the Dragon slaughtering sword.

Shi Yuan's message before his death was that Tu Long Dao was in Annam base city.

The skeleton undead of the sixth level Epee thought that the Dragon slaughtering sword was easy to get, but he never thought that the owner of the sword was so terrible.

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