Ye Li holds a dragon sword and cuts it out. The mantis monster in human form will say goodbye to the world forever.

Ye Li asked ADA to lead the zombies, and he was happy to synthesize.

Soon a first-order male zombie and a first-order female zombie were synthesized.


A roar suddenly appeared in the ears of leaves.

After the roar, a Tauren appeared beside Ye Li.

This is a fourth class Tauren.

I saw the Tauren holding a huge axe, staring at Ye Li.

"Human beings, I can't believe you dare to come to Pancheng!"

Ye Li is puzzled. The Tauren is only four steps old. How dare he appear in front of him? This is very different from the human Mantis monster.

"Stop shouting and let them all come out." Ye Li slowly opens his mouth to the fourth step Tauren.

Voice down, the fourth order Tauren sneered, "human, did not find you, there is still a bit of eyesight to see."

Then a dozen Tauren appeared in front of Ye Li's body. These Tauren people were of three or four levels.

Ye Li is in a daze, how dare such a little strength appear?

"Are you afraid, man?" The fourth level Tauren looks at Ye Li with pride.

Ye Li felt a little boring, and looked at the four level Tauren lightly, "with you, dare to shout in front of my last legion?"

He thought that the fourth rank Tauren must be a fool, otherwise, there would be no such thing.

"Kill them!"

Ye Li gave orders to the last legion, and the latter army attacked the Tauren instantly.

More than a dozen Tauren people were shocked, and the four level Tauren immediately called out: "help

However, no adults appeared, and the dozen Tauren were killed here by ADA and them.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, suddenly he showed a side face to see behind him, "come out, when do you want to hide."

"It's really the master of the Dragon butcher's knife. It's really powerful."

A very strange sound appeared in Ye Li's ear.

Look at the skeletonid attack of Annam.

Now he Ye Li is a sixth level evolutor, and ADA are all six level zombies. This is only the sixth level Epee skeleton undead, which can't raise any waves.

The six level Epee, the skeleton ghost, kept looking at Ye Li's Dragon slaying knife. Although the skeleton had no flesh on its face, it still showed a greedy smile.

"Human, hand over the Dragon butcher's knife, I can spare you from death." The sixth level Epee, the skeleton undead, stares at Ye Li.

Leaves from an open smile, "on your one is not enough."

"Ha ha." The skeleton undead of the sixth level Epee gives a cold smile.

"What if we were added?"

Suddenly, another voice appeared.

Ye Li Shun voice to see, found that the city of the dark races have come.

Thousands of dark races of three to four levels surrounded Yeli.

"Not enough." Leaves from again slowly shook his head.

The sixth level Epee skeleton ghost hears the speech to be angry, "human, although you have three level six zombies, but so many of us are not jealous."

"Not enough, not enough." Ye Li shook his head and said.


The sixth level Epee, the skeleton undead, stares at Ye Li.

"In front of my last legion, don't say it's you who are crooked melons and split dates. It's your master who is coming. What's my fear of Ye Li?" Leaves from the light mouth.

Hearing this, the ghost of the sixth stage Epee was so angry that he grinned.

"Give it to me!"

With the roar of the sixth level Epee skeleton undead, thousands of dark races besieged the last legion.

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