Ye Li thinks that with the opportunity to upgrade all skills to A-level, the overall strength of the last legion has been upgraded to a level.

Now the Taigu heavenly magic code has reached the second level. He even felt that he was a seventh level evolutor, and he could fight.

After these six level skeletons flee for their lives, they will invite more powerful dark races, but ye Li should not be afraid of them.


"Since the host has killed too many dark races, congratulations to the host for getting a super treasure chest."

Ye Li is happy, thinking that the reward is too much.

He opened the super treasure box:

"congratulations to the host for opening a super treasure map."

Super treasure map is also a super treasure map.

Ye Limian Guan Ruyu's face is very wonderful, thinking that this time will definitely be what super baby.

He opened the super treasure map.

A coordinate appeared in his mind.

The location of the coordinates is still some distance away from the base city of Huangjiang river.

It should not be too late, ye Lishun coordinates with God line hundred steps to catch up.

It is too fast for God to walk a hundred steps, which is enough to reach ten thousand a day and eight thousand at night.

After three days and three nights, Ye Li finally arrived at the destination.

He looked at the place in front of him and found it was a primeval forest.

There are too many poisonous insects and beasts in the primitive forest. Especially in the last days, they have been infected by zombie virus, which is more fierce several times.

Ye Li did not rush in, but took out a box of food from the system space and began to eat and drink.

Zombies produce treasure boxes every day. After so many days of accumulation, there are many boxes of food in the system space of Yeli.

After eating well, Ye Li takes his eschatological army to the primitive forest in front of him.

At this time, it was noon, but ye li felt the chill in the primeval forest, and the trees inside were very strange.

It wasn't long before he heard the fight.

Ye Li walked past and found a man and a woman fighting with a girl.

The clothes they wear are all student costumes, and there are four words on them. It seems that they are all students of Yunding school.

Yunding academy is a top-level school run by wuzhe alliance, which gathers the elite generation of the last century mainland.

"Lu Qingxue, I advise you not to resist. You can't beat us."

This man and a woman's face is very complacent, dog men and women in their face interpretation can not be clearer.

"You take revenge on yourself. This time we come out of Yunding school to find Haotian Tower!" Lu Qingxue said coldly.

Ye Li is startled at hearing the speech, Haotian tower?

Is there a Haotian Pagoda in this primeval forest?

Haotian tower is also one of the top ten artifact. Now both the wuzhe alliance and the dark hall are looking for the ten artifact, but the last age is too big. To find the ten artifact is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Lu Qingxue, you look down upon by everyone in Yunding Academy. CHUANNING and I have long been unhappy with you. We haven't had a chance. Now the opportunity finally comes." The girl gave a cold smile.

Ye Li looks at the realm of these three people. They are all second-order evolutors. At their age, they can be said to be genius of genius. Judging from the aura they use in fighting, they are all S-level genetic talents.

"Lu Qingxue, give up resistance. You can't beat me and CHUANNING. If you die, I'll tell the academy that you were killed by the dark race."

When the girl said this, she couldn't help laughing.

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