Ye Li said to the students under the tree:

"ants like you don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is."


All the students were so angry.

As the saying goes, it's hard to offend people's anger!

They just want to break the head also did not expect, Ye Li unexpectedly will talk about a turn, against them.

"You, who the hell are you?"

Suddenly, anly leaves again.

"I said, who am I," leaf from the light looking at Anli, "you have no qualification to know."

Anne was so angry that she swore it was definitely the most angry she had ever had.

"Since you are determined to die, you can't blame me!"

As the voice dropped, anly raised her hand again and yelled:

"cross palm!"

All of a sudden, the cross attack formed by the condensation of spiritual power is attacking Ye Li directly. The speed is very fast.

Ye Li sighs secretly from the appearance, he thinks this person why is not understand?

I saw that when the cross attack formed by the spirit power was only a line away from Ye Li, Ye Li put up a finger.

Ye Li, with her erect fingers, lightly touches the cross formed by spiritual power.

The cross attack, which was formed by spiritual power, disappeared in this way.


As soon as this scene appeared, all the students on the scene took a breath, as if they had seen a scene that could never be seen.

Their eyes have opened for the largest time in history, and their mouths are open enough to swallow an oversized bowl.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

Anly's eyes were wide, and she shook her head quickly.

She couldn't believe it was true.

"I said, you are just a poor ant, why don't you believe it?"

All the students around did not dare to feel that Ye Li was arrogant.

Because ye Li's strength is too terrible.

"Go and get someone!"

Anne suddenly said to a student.

She is the tutor of Tianjing Academy. Now there is such a terrible existence in Tianjing Academy, she will naturally choose to call people.

Before long, the dean of Tianjing Academy and all the tutors came.

More than that, all the students are here!

Yang Qi, Chen Xiaojia, Yang ling'er and Xue Ling look at the scene in front of them. They are all a bit stunned.

When Yang Qi is ready to explain Ye Li's identity, he is held by his sister Yang ling'er.

"Sister, what are you holding me for?"

Yang Qi is puzzled and looks at Yang ling'er.

Yang ling'er shook his head. "If you want to tell me your identity, you don't need to say it."

Yang Qi suddenly realized when he heard the speech, thinking that it was OK that he had not passed away, or he might have already angered his predecessors.

"Name it!"

Only see a whole body exudes domineering old man staring at leaf from dead say.

The old man's name is Wu Cang. He is the president of Tianjing Academy. He is a seven level Heavenly Kingdom.

At the moment, all people are looking at Ye Li.

In their memory, no one has ever dared to enter tianjingyuan.

They really don't understand that Ye Li ate a few leopard galls to make such a terrible thing.

"I just want to sleep on this tree. Why does the tree want to be quiet and windy?"

Leaves from the face crown like jade face appeared a touch of doubt color.

Suddenly, only a flash of cold light appeared in everyone's eyes.

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