"Don't go too far!"

Anli looked at Ye Li dead and said, "it's a big deal that a fish is killed and a net is broken!"

Over the heads of the students in Tianjing college, they were already in a rage.

Yang Qi, Chen Xiaojia, Yang ling'er and Xue Ling are staring at each other.

They know that Ye Li's power of terror is so strong that even the spirit soul dark race is destroyed by him.

In front of Ye Li, Tianjing courtyard is just like a real mole ant.

Ye Li did not pay attention to Anli, he slowly raised the palm of his hand.

Anli looked at Ye Li's upright palm, his pupil couldn't help shrinking violently!

"It seems that you don't mean to stop!"

Sound down, Anli jumped up, toward the leaves fiercely rushed in the past.

It's a pity that Anli is too weak in front of Ye Li, just like an adult beating a babe who is learning to speak.

I saw Anli jump to the tree, facing the leaves is a slap in the past.

Ye Li still does not pay attention to Anli, because Anli's palm can't do any harm to him.

In his palm, a gentle spiritual power went to Wu Cang, President of Tianjing Academy.

At the moment, an Li's palm also fiercely hit Ye Li's body.

But ye Li is still motionless!


Looking at such a scene, Anli couldn't help being shocked again.

The gentle spiritual power has already reached the left leg of Wu Cang, President of Tianjing Academy.

Suddenly, the left leg of Wu Cang, President of Tianjing hospital, recovered.


Wu Cang, President of Tianjing Academy, was surprised. He touched his left leg.

"What's going on?"

Wu Cang was shocked.

He is very clear his left leg, just now obviously already comminuted fracture, how now good?

He found it impossible for him to understand even if he wanted to break his head.

"Anne, stop it!"

Then, Wu Cang, President of Tianjing Academy, yelled at Anli in the tree.

It's just late, and Anli's palm has already been hit on Ye Li's body.

Quiet, the needle can be heard!

Anli swallow saliva, looking at a face of indifferent leaves.

"Now, do you still believe in your eyes?"

Ye Li plays the ignorant looking at the Anli in front of the body.

Where could Anne say a complete sentence at the moment? How frightened was her white face.

"Dean, let's save tutor Anli!"

"Yes, let's save mentor anly!"

All of a sudden, all the students in Tianjing college were excited.

"Don't move

Wu Cang, President of Tianjing Academy, cried out.

The students stopped at the sound of the speech, and their faces were angry to the extreme.

"Thank you very much, master."

Wu Cang, President of Tianjing Academy, said respectfully to Ye Li.


On hearing this, all the students in the square took a breath and looked at the Dean with astonishment.

Of course, they don't understand why the dean said that!

"Dean, you, how do you..."

Ann Li in the tree was also shocked.

"My left leg was smashed and fractured by my palm just now, but the master has cured me with divine skill."

Wu Cang, President of Tianjing Academy, explained to everyone.

As soon as this was said, all the students in the square looked at each other. In their opinion, this is absolutely impossible.

And Ye Li's face is still calm as water, as if nothing happened at all.

"Go down."

Suddenly, Ye Li said slowly to Anli.

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