At the moment, thousands of wolf dark race are staring at Ye Li.

In their opinion, Ye Li is too calm.

This is a kind of calm that they can't believe!

Surrounded by so many people, they can still be so calm. They just want to break their heads and can't imagine why this is!

"Man, you have a lot of courage. You are really big!"

Four terrace King level wolf dark race staring at Ye Li said.

The leader of the wolf dark race is the king level of the four terraces.

However, the dark race of the king level wolf in the four terraces may be very strong in the eyes of these girls.

But in front of Ye Li, it is the existence that can be crushed to death.

"I'm more daring indeed, but for a more important reason..." Ye Li looked at the leader of the dark wolf race, "it's you who are too weak, weak as mole ants."


As soon as this word came out, thousands of wolves were all angry to the point that they had already burst out of anger.

"Human beings, I think you are toasting and not eating or drinking!"

The leader of the dark race of the wolf is naturally very angry and makes a sound at Ye Li.

But, leaves leave is light smile, the face crown like jade on the face is very light.

"I'll never eat a penalty because no one dares to do so." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

"What do you say?" The wolf dark race stares at Ye Li. He doesn't understand what ye Li means.

Ye Li thought for a while and then said, "because I am the devil, Ye Li."

The devil Ye Li?

Thousands of wolves, the dark race, were shocked. Although they don't know ye Li, they think that Ye Li's name is too overbearing.

"So, do you think you can survive?"

Wolf dark race leader staring at Ye Li said.

Leaf from the face is still light, he said to the wolf dark race: "I have said it, you are in my eyes, but poor ants."

"Do you think there is a difference between a thousand mole ants and one mole ant?"

Ye Li showed a side face, looking at summer song and several girls asked.

Xia Ge and several girls are stunned, naturally did not expect Ye Lihui to suddenly ask them such words.

"Master, we We don't know. "

Summer song swallows saliva, to leaf leave frighten say.

Ye Li said with a smile, "I said there was no difference at all, it was just a foot."


When the leader of the dark race of the wolf bit his teeth, he was furious.

"Man, I'll tear you to pieces!"

With the wolf dark race leader of a violent drink, thousands of wolf will toward Ye Li fierce attack.


Xia Ge and several girls looked at such a scene, they were scared pale.

Just because they know that their lives will disappear from this world forever.

Who knows, at this time, a voice is introduced into their ears.

"I have a sword, and I will cut off the world!"

With the fall of the sound.

I saw a sword flying towards the dark race of wolf.

Such a speed, like lightning, is really fast to the point of astonishment.

Suddenly, innumerable wolf dark race's corpse, appeared in summer song and several girls' eyes.

This How could that be possible!

Xia Ge and several girls are so shocked that they dare to swear that this is the first time they have been shocked and scared since they were born.

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