Jin Lian, the elder of the Jin family, has been scared to the extreme. This is the first time that he has been so scared since he was born.

"Now," Ye Li faintly looked at Jin family elder Jin Lian, "do you still think I am dying?"

The cold sweat has wet Jin Lian's whole body, and he is shocked to see Ye Li.

"You, how can you be so strong?"

In the eyes of Jin Lian, the elder of the Jin family, Ye Li can never be so strong.

"Can I be so strong?" Leaf from a smile, "do you think?"

Jinlian didn't know. His whole body was still shaking violently. At the moment, he didn't know what to do.

"Are you afraid?" Ye Li looks at Jin Lian very much.

He was not only afraid, but also fearless.

"You, what do you want?"

Jin Lian, the elder of the Jin family, is like a lamb to be slaughtered, and Ye Li is an experienced hunter.

"I don't want to." Ye Li looked at Jin family elder Jin Lian lightly, "just want to kill you, that's all."


After hearing this, Jin Lianwen, the elder of the Jin family, rushed to tianlinggai from his tail vertebrae.

"You, you, you If you dare to kill me, the Jin family will not let you go! "

Threat, threat again.

Leaf from a smile, he has been through the world since, has not known how many people threatened.

However, it is needless to say that we should know what the result will be.


I saw a terrible spiritual attack toward Jin lianfei, the elder of the Jin family.

Jin Lian, the elder of the Jin family, looked at the attack coming to him. He was frightened to the extreme.

He found it impossible for him to escape such a terrible attack.

"My life is dead!"

At the last moment of his life, Jin Lian, the elder of the Jin family, cried out.

It's a pity that, no matter what he called it, his life disappeared in this world forever.

"Why do you think you need it?"

Ye Li looked at the corpse on the ground and opened his mouth slowly.

Immediately, he walked slowly out of the Yuhe villa area.

Before long, he went to Xia's home.

Several Xia's children look at Ye Li, and they are all stunned.

"Who are you?"

"Go and tell your master that I am coming."

Leaves from the mouth slowly.

These Xia family's children heard the speech, but some of them were confused.

I'm here? Who's here?

They find it impossible to understand even if they want to break their heads.

"Then give your name, and we'll go in and announce it." A son of Xia family said to Ye Li.

"Ye Li." Ye Li said frankly.

Immediately, a son of Xia family went in to report.

"Master of the house!"

Xia family hall people are discussing what time, this reporter Xia family son came in.

"What's the matter?"

Xia Changfeng, the owner of the Xia family, asked in a hurry. He was afraid that the people of the Jin family would come again.

"Home Lord's words, a person named Ye Li came from outside the Xia family, and he said he wanted to see you."

Ye Li?

Everyone was stunned because they had never heard of Ye Li's name.

"Who are you talking about Ye Li?"

Xia Changfeng, the head of the Xia family, said to the son.

The son of the Xia family didn't know that, so he shook his head.

"Ye Ye Li

One side of the summer song is shocked.

Xia's family leader and the elders looked at Xia Ge, "Xia Ge, who do you know?"

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