Li Shaoyun also understood. He felt that Ye Li must have no idea of his identity, or he would have been scared out of his wits.

However, what all the people present did not think of was that Ye Li's face was still extremely boring, as if he had not heard anything at all.

What they didn't expect was that Ye Li said such a sentence.

Ye Li looked at the man who was talking to him and spoke slowly:

"isn't it the genius of the crazy tiger clan, but so it is."


All the people present were shocked to hear this, just because even if they wanted to break their heads, Ye Li would not have said such a thing.

This, this, this This is too arrogant!

They dare to swear, they really dare to swear that Ye Li is definitely the most arrogant person they have ever seen!

Jinyu is some deer bumped into each other. She thinks that Ye Li is really overbearing. Where has she seen such a domineering person as Ye Li.

Li Shaoyun is also stunned. He has never dreamed that Ye Li is not afraid of his genius of crazy tiger clan!

But he turned to think, is it possible that Ye Li was a disciple of some great power?

Immediately, this idea was denied by him. How could the disciples of great power come to Xiyuan base city.

In Xiyuan base city, crazy tiger is the absolute heaven!

Thinking of this, Li Shaoyun sneered and said to Ye Li, "what if I told you that I am a gene warrior in the king level realm of six terraces?"

The onlookers naturally know that Li Shaoyun is a king level state of six terraces. They think Ye Li must not know.

Then, they look at Ye Li in a hurry. They want to know what wonderful look ye Li will show on his face after he knows that Li Shaoyun is a king level gene warrior in the sixth terrace.

They don't want to miss that look.

Ye Li smiles. He does.

He did not expect Li Shaoyun to say such a thing.

Seeing ye Li's smile, the onlookers took a breath again. They didn't think that Ye Li could still laugh at this time.

Shock, absolute shock!

All the people present were shocked to the point of astonishment.

"The six terraces are king level, just like ants." Ye Li said slowly.


Hearing Ye Li's words, all the people present were shocked to the point that they could not add more.

They swore that this was definitely the most shocking time they had ever been born.

"Good, good!" Li Shaoyun stares at Ye Li, his head has already burst out a thousand feet of anger.

Immediately, Li Shaoyun rushed to Ye Li and said:

"since you said that the king level realm of the sixth terrace was a mole ant, then come to fight!"

All the onlookers breathed a sigh. They had long hoped that Li Shaoyun would say this, because they could not bear such arrogance.

At the same time, they don't understand that they have to die more to dare to say such words!

"You are not my match." Ye Li looked at Li Shaoyun and said faintly.

"You Say What What? " Li Shaoyun was almost furious.

All the onlookers sneered.

"I don't think you dare?"

"That's right. Just now, I'm quite capable. Why don't you dare to go up now?"

"Go up, isn't it crazy?"

All the people under the challenge arena all sneered at Ye Li.

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