Ye Li and Lu Qingxue came to the land, and he put them into the system space.

Lu Qingxue was surprised. She looked around. The four six step zombies were still beside her. Why did they suddenly disappear?

Is this also the power of the devil?

Lu Qingxue secretly took a look at Ye Li's calm face and said secretly that the elder is really an omnipotent person.

"Where are you going now, master?"

Lu Qingxue regretted as soon as she finished. She thought that such a high-ranking person like her predecessors should be independent. Where is her turn to ask.

Ye Li thought about it and said, "Huangjiang base city."

Anyway, I have nothing to do when I'm free. It's good to go to Huangjiang base city to have a look. Moreover, I can pass through several small towns and synthesize zombies.

"The elder also wants to go to Huangjiang base city?"

Lu Qingxue is a little surprised. It's obviously unexpected that Ye Li will go to Huangjiang base city.

"Why, are you going too?" Ye Li looks at Lu Qingxue. He thinks that Lu Qingxue should go back to Yunding Academy.

Is Lu Qingxue afraid to go back?

After all, when he was in the dark cloud forest, he saved Lu Qingxue, and the man and woman naturally thought he was a dark race. If he went back to report

Ye Li shook his head secretly. He didn't understand why he wanted to do so much. When did he need to think so much.

"In fact, my family is the Lu family in Huangjiang base city." Lu Qingxue said in a low voice.

Leaf from smell speech then understand, Lu Qingxue, Lu Qian?

It's really where life doesn't meet!

"In that case, let's go together." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Lu Qingxue didn't expect Ye Li to let her head with him. Her white face was deeply shocked.

After pondering for several seconds, Lu Qingxue raised his head and firmly looked at Ye Li and said, "you can rest assured, master, I will not tell you what happened today."

Ye Li did not answer, can answer, but not necessary.

Immediately, ye libian and Lu Qingxue walked towards the direction of Huangjiang base city.

Two people walked to a small city, the name of the town is not known, only know that it is not far from the base city of Huangjiang.

"Master, there are zombies." Lu Qingxue looked at the front and said.

"Oh! Oops

In front of them, hundreds of zombies appeared.

Hundreds of zombies look like Level 3 zombies.

"Master, what to do?"

Lu Qingxue is a little flustered. It is impossible for her second-order evolutor to deal with so many zombies.

Leaves from a faint smile, "do you think, with them can hurt me, leaves from the minute?"

Lu Qingxue a listen to this, this just rest to her gaffe.

She felt that she was not afraid of these ordinary zombies.

Looking at the corpses, the fingers of the zombies slowly jumped out, like the machine gun.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The sound of countless broken winds came out.

In an instant, hundreds of zombies fell to the ground, howling in pain, because there was a shocking blood hole in their thighs.

Ye Li opens the synthetic lattice in his mind and begins to synthesize these zombies.

Before long, he combined the hundreds of zombies into a grade 10 male zombie and a grade 10 female zombie.

He looked at the zombies in system space and found that there was a level 10 male zombie and a level 10 female zombie.

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