Listening to the words of Chen long, the master of Tianjing realm, his face was covered with jade without any fluctuation.

It's just because he has heard so much praise since he came to the world.


Chen long, the master of Tianjing, was very sad.

"Ye Li, I think you should know that the dark palace in Tianjing is really terrible. We are not rivals at all."

Chen long, the master of Tianjing, said to Ye Li.

Ye Li naturally knows this, but he is not very good at it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host on acquiring SSS level dragon elephant boxing skill! "

Suddenly, the sound of the system appears in Ye Li's mind.

SSS magic dragon elephant fist?

Ye Li looked at the introduction of SSS God level dragon elephant boxing: after the training of SSS God level dragon elephant boxing, it can play a huge force of tens of thousands of Jin, and swing one fist, which is so terrible.

"Does the host practice dragon elephant boxing?"


“10%…… 30%…… 60%…… 100%。”

"SSS God level dragon and elephant fist training success."

As the sound of the system falls, Ye Li's brain appears SSS level dragon elephant boxing skills.

"Now the tenth demon is dead. It is estimated that the ninth will be born soon."

Chen long, the master of Tianjing realm, looked at Ye Li. "The ninth demon will also be a level of holy level."

First level Holy Level realm?

Ye Li's smile, a level of Holy Level realm, he naturally is not in the eye.

"But the ninth will be much better than the tenth, and the ninth will soon break through to the tenth."

Chen long, the master of Tianjing, continued to speak to Ye Li.

"It's OK, but so it is."

Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Chen long, the master of Tianjing, was stunned when he heard the speech. He thought that Ye Li was too overbearing.

Anyway, he has never seen such a domineering person as Ye Li since he was born!


In a dark palace.

A powerful dark race opened his eyes, and a terrible red light came out of his red eyes.

"The tenth devil will die away!"

This powerful dark race is the ninth demon General of the dark palace.

"Demon soldiers, follow me


All the magic soldiers in the hall nodded.

Random, dark hall inside a magic light from the sky!

The ninth demon will be born with hundreds of demon soldiers, killing countless towns!

The army of Tianjing faction is suppressed by the warriors, and there are countless casualties!

In a small town, there is a river of blood.

Bodies, piled up like mountains!

Cry, shock the world.

This situation, this scene, is no longer a tragic word can describe.

"Ninth demon general, here comes my grandfather

Suddenly, there was a thunder like sound in the sky.

Only Chen long, the master of Tianjing, appeared.

The ninth demon will smile coldly, "master of heaven realm, Chen long?"

"The ninth demon general, this is the place where you are buried today!"

Chen long, the master of heaven realm, spoke coldly to the ninth demon.

"Stop talking nonsense and come here." Ye Li pointed to the ninth devil and said, "let me kill you."


The ninth demon is stunned. He stares at Ye Li.

"Who are you?"

The ninth demon will naturally not know ye Li.

"I'm the one who killed you." Leaves from the face crown like jade's face appeared a touch of disdain color.

Ha ha ha ha!

Hearing this, the ninth demon couldn't help laughing.

"Chen long, is there something wrong with him?"

The ninth demon asked Chen long, the leader of Tianjing.

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