Two students from Yunding Academy were shocked to see this.

Shen Du gave a cold smile and said to Ye Li, "do you want a hero to save the beauty? Lu Qingxue has colluded with the dark race. "

Shen Du and Lengyue would not even think that they could see heroes saving the United States under such circumstances.

However, if you want to save the United States, you have to see if you have this strength. After all, you are facing the whole Yunding Academy.

With a faint smile, Ye Li's face was as smooth as jade. At the moment when all the people in Huangjiang University were astounded, he urged the God to walk a hundred steps, and in an instant he came to the stage.

How can it be!!!

Everyone in Huangjiang university took a breath. Ye Li's time from the audience to the stage was so fast that the whole process was even less than a second.

Shen Du and Lengyue were also shocked. They had never seen such a speed, but they soon stabilized because behind them was the Yunding Academy.

"Although you are very fast, Lu Qingxue colludes with the dark race. This is a death penalty. Do you want to offend the whole Yunding academy?" Shen Du stares at Ye Li's cold mouth.

Ye Li is slowly shaking his head, he did not speak, face crown like jade face is still indifferent.

"Do you want to enter my Yunding school?" Cold moon also said.

Leaf from smell speech a smile, he light looking at cold moon, "I really admire your imagination."

"What do you mean by holding down Lu Qingxue's shoulder and not letting her come?" The Cold Moon said coldly.

Ye Li looked at the ground and the sun in the sky. After a few seconds, he began to speak slowly:

"in fact, I just want to say that the dark race that Lu Qingxue colludes with is me."


This is just like all the people in the Academy who want to leave the Academy like this.

"Ye Is Mr. Ye a dark race? " Lu Xinghe said in amazement.

Su Laosu Changfeng opened his eyes and shot a light in his eyes. After a few seconds, his face became quiet again.

"Dad, is Mr. Ye a dark race?" Su Yao is very surprised to see Su Changfeng said.

Su Changfeng shook his head slowly, "look down."

Su Changfeng does not believe it. He firmly believes that Ye Li is not a dark race. He has seen too many dark races in his life. If ye Li is a dark race, unless the sky falls.

When Shen Du and Lengyue Hear ye Li's words, they are startled to take three steps backward and look at Ye Li in horror.

"You What do you say Shen Du looks at Ye Li in horror.

Leaves from the face crown like jade face some boring, "I said, Lu Qingxue colluded with the dark race is me."

"You You

Shen Ye thinks that no matter where the dark and the moon seem to be, they will not think of the dark and the moon.

"By the way, my name is Ye Li. Now I want to save Lu Qingxue. Is there a problem?" Ye Li looked at Shen Du and the cold moon.

Silence, the silence of death.

Ye Li urged the second layer of Taigu Tianmo code, and the whole Huangjiang college was covered by a monstrous evil spirit at this time.

Thousands of students in Huangjiang University were so frightened that they even held their breath because every breath they took, they could feel their soul shaking.

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