Yang Hai looks extremely cold, he is extremely angry staring at Ye Li.

"Do you know who I am?"

At this time, all the students around, their faces were stunned.

They don't understand what happened to the blue sky Institute.

A few days ago, poor spirit came and kicked Yang Hai away, but they all know that Yang Hai will not give up.

But now there is such a murderer!

Ye Li hears Yang Hai's words, and he can't help sighing.

He just wanted Yang Hai to apologize. Why is it so difficult?

Do you have to do it yourself?


Suddenly, the sound of a broken wind appeared in the ears of all the students.


Suddenly, all the students around were shocked.

Only because, Yang Hai's right leg already had a shocking blood hole.

Then came Yang Hai's scream.

Ah, ah, ah!

Yang Hai kneels down in front of Ye Li's body on one knee and screams out loud, which is in sharp contrast to the laughter just now.

All the students were terrified out of their wits at such a scene.

They all feel that Ye Li is too terrible!

You know, this is Yang Hai!

Even if he is stronger than Yang Hai, doesn't he know the horror of Yang Hai's family?

"Now?" Leaf leaves light looking at kneeling in front of his body Yang Hai, "can you apologize?"

"If you dream, I will not die..."

But Yang Hai's words have not finished, all the students around heard the sound of a broken wind again.


Ah, ah, ah!

Yang Hai screamed again.

See, his left leg also had a shocking blood hole.

My God!!!

The onlookers had their eyes open for the biggest time in history, and their mouths were open enough to swallow an oversized bowl.

At this time, absolutely no words can describe the shock in their hearts.

"Now, can I apologize?"

Leaf leaves from the face crown such as jade's face calm like water, he light to Yang Hai said.

Yang Hai has been terrified to the point that can't be added. Hearing Ye Li's words, he can't help but get a chill from the tail vertebrae to the sky cover.

Only because he knows that if he doesn't apologize, Ye Li will surely fight against himself.

"Yes, yes I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I'm I'm I really know I was wrong. "

Yang Hai apologized to the poor.

"What's going on?"

Suddenly, a deep voice came into the ears of all the students.

All the students took a close look and found that a middle-aged man came over. The middle-aged man's face was very unhappy.

"It's tutor Xu Yang."

Immediately, a student told Xu Yang everything about it.


Xu Yang's tutor was surprised when he heard the speech.

"You How dare you do this to Yang Hai

Professor Xu Yang looks at Ye Li.

All the students also looked at Ye Li and wanted to know how Ye Li would answer.

Ye Li nodded slightly, looked at the sun in the sky, and slowly opened his mouth:

"is there anything that can't be done?"

Hearing this, all the students were astonished to the point that they could not add more.

Only because they did not expect that Ye Li could say such a thing when facing Xu Yang.

You should know that Xu Yang is the best teacher in blue sky higher training college!

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