
The Lord of the dark house and all the dark races were stunned.

They just want to break their heads, and they will not think that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"Man! Do you want to die? "

The Lord of the dark hall stared at Ye Li angrily.

He swore that it was the first time he had ever seen a human like Ye Li since he was born.

"I really want to die, but it's a pity," Ye Li looked at the master of the dark hall, "you can't kill me."


Hearing the speech, the leader of the dark hall couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

"Ants like you can't understand how high the sky is and how wide the earth is." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

There was a thick look of horror on the faces of the ten elders of the Dragon Council.

At the moment, they have to rely on Ye Li. If ye Li is not the opponent of the dark palace, then they will not live!

"Human beings

The Lord of the dark hall was so angry that he couldn't be more angry.

And the dark race behind him!

In their opinion, Ye Li is too arrogant!

Is he Are you really afraid of death?

"Kill me!"

Suddenly, the master of the dark hall burst out to drink!

With the command of the Lord of the dark palace, all the dark races rushed towards the leaf dust.

Ye Li naturally shook his head secretly. They thought why these dark races didn't understand?

See, leaves from the ground jump up!

In the middle of the air, Ye Li held up the Taigu Longyuan sword.

On the Taigu Longyuan sword, the cold light has been fully displayed.

"Xuantianba magic sword formula!"

Sound falling, sword falling.

I saw that a terrible sword interweaved with the power of the gods and Demons towards the dark race below!

The dark races below watched the attack, their eyes opened to the biggest ever, and froze like a bolt from the blue.


Just listen to, a startling noise into all people's ears.


All the ten elders of the Dragon Council were in a state of panic.

They know that Ye Li is very strong, but they will never think that Ye Li is so strong!

Ah, ah, ah!

All of a sudden, the screams began to go on.

This, this, this

The Lord of the dark hall looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but turn pale.

He swore it was definitely the most frightening thing he had ever had.

Only because, to leave the dark race, all fell to the ground, where there is a little bit of life ah.

Ye Li fell to the ground, his face crown like jade face is still no fluctuation, like a sword to kill thousands of dark race, is just doing a trivial thing.

All the ten elders of the Dragon Council couldn't say a complete word. Their whole bodies were shaking.

Of course, they are not afraid, but excited.

"What do you think?"

Suddenly, Ye Li slowly opened his mouth to the dark hall.

The Lord of the dark hall was so frightened that he could not be more frightened.

"Human beings, you, you, you..."

"You don't have to be afraid."

Ye Li slowly opened his mouth to the dark hall.

The Lord of the dark hall was stunned. Of course, he did not expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

"Do you know that there is a kind of people in this world who don't need to be afraid."

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