I saw that thousands of souls of the dark race have come to Ye Li and Xue Ruo.

In the eyes of these dark spirits, if ye Li and Xue are dead, there is no possibility of living.

"Human beings, you have great courage!"

Spirit soul dark race leader light to Ye Li and Xue Ruo said.

Ye Li looked at the leader of the dark race, and then he couldn't help but enjoy himself.

He thought that the leader of the dark race of the spirit soul was too weak. He actually had only one level of holy level.

In Xue ruo's eyes, the first level Saint level dark race is naturally terrifying, but in his eyes, it is a real mole ant.

Ye Li's face did not appear any fluctuation.

When ye Li and Xue Ruo do not speak, the leader of the dark race of spirit soul finds Ye Li's facial expression, but he doesn't have a look of fear, which is beyond his imagination.

"Human, are you not afraid?"

Spirit soul dark race leader is puzzled and asks to Ye Li.

Thousands of spirits and spirits, the dark race was a little stunned.

In their opinion, at this moment, Ye Li should be scared to death?

"Why should I be afraid?"

On the face of a jade face, such as from the face of the unknown leaf.

Thousands of spirits and spirits of the dark race were all stunned when they heard the words. Naturally, they didn't expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

"Don't you know, man, that you are going to die soon?"

Spirit soul dark race leader staring at Ye Li said.

"I'm going to die soon?" Ye Li Yi Zheng, "I really don't know?"

This spirit soul dark race leader looks at Ye Li's face, can't help but get angry.

"Human beings, do you know how you don't know the height of heaven and earth?"

Spirit soul dark race leader extremely angry staring at Ye Li said.

Snow if at this time has been scared up.

She had seen people who died, but she was the only one to die like Ye Li.

She doesn't want to die. She really doesn't want to die.

"Who are you?"

Ye Li lightly looks at the spirit soul dark race leader.

"Ha ha!" "I am the leader of the dark race of soul soul!" he said with a cold smile

"What are you waiting for? Give orders and let them come and die. "


As soon as the words were said, thousands of souls were in a daze.

Even if you want to break your head, you will not think that Ye Li would say such a thing.

In their eyes, Ye Li is too arrogant.

I have never heard of such arrogant human beings before.

The leader of the dark race of the soul and soul got angry and said to Ye Li in a rage:

"human beings, since you want to die so much, I will do it to you!"

"Tear these two human beings to pieces

With the command of the leader of the spirit soul dark race, thousands of spirit soul dark race rushed towards Ye Li and Xue Ruo.

Ye Li's face certainly will not appear any fluctuation.

It's just because since he crossed into the world, he has encountered such scenes many times.

Why don't they just understand?

When thousands of spirits and spirits of the dark race rush in, Ye Li takes the Taigu Longyuan sword out of the system space.


Suddenly, thousands of souls in front of the dark race, only a flash of cold light!

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