More than 3000 zombies are ordinary zombies of level 2 to 3. Now Yeli is much easier to synthesize zombies than before.

With more and more zombies synthesized by Ye Li, ten members of Kuchi team are more and more shocked. What kind of operation is this?

They have not even heard of it, let alone seen it before.

Zombies are getting fewer, zombies are getting higher?

Let alone these 3000 zombies, Ye Li synthesized more than 20000 zombies when the dark race led 100000 zombies to attack Annam base city. 3000 zombies are nothing.

Before long, Ye Li synthesized all the more than 3000 zombies.

A two-stage male zombie and a two-stage female zombie were synthesized.

Ye Li thinks it's not bad. He opens the system space and finds that there is a third-order male zombie and a third-order female zombie in the system space, but there is no way to synthesize it.

"These zombies Disappeared? " Kucci team leader surprised way.

They can clearly see that there are thousands of zombies, and four seventh level zombies are fighting against these more than 3000 zombies.

But now all the zombies are gone?

At this time, the setting sun has completely set the mountain, and the night is coming. I want to stay in Xingshi for one night and go to Huangjiang base city tomorrow.

"Let's sleep here for one night and go to Huangjiang base city tomorrow." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Kuchi team ten people look at each other, they know that Ye Li is not asking for their opinions, but an irrefutable order.

However, the ten people were very surprised. They thought Ye Li called these zombies to eat them, but they didn't think it would be such a situation.


Is this powerful dark race good?

Ten members of Kutcher's team couldn't help but think so. A dark race who would give food to them, a dark race that made so many zombies disappear, said that he was not good, even they didn't believe it.

The captain looked at the leaves sitting under the tree. He felt a little hot on his face, but he was a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain.

Ye Li let ADA watch the night, and then he fell asleep.

The next day, the sun shines on Ye Li's face. As he opens his eyes, the system's prompt sound also appears in his mind.

"Zombie chest X6."

Ye Li opens the zombie treasure chest with one key:

"gain gene point 500, strength point 500, speed point 500 and defense point 500."

"Get the Zombie's special equipment star foot cover."

Star foot cover: S-level Zombie's exclusive equipment. After wearing it, one foot breaks the ocean and the other breaks the mountain.

Ye Li secretly smiles, isn't this just for the white doll?

White baby's Unicorn feet with this star foot cover, is not the combat power even higher?

Without much thought, the star foot cover into the body of the white doll, the white doll's right foot, instantly become majestic.

"Oh! Oops

Ye Li listens to this voice light smile, why always have zombies to let him synthesize?

After a look, there are thousands of zombies.

Ye Li has some doubts. He doesn't let ADA lead these zombies. These zombies come out on a large scale. It seems that they are still gathering at some place.

In this direction

It seems to be the way to Pancheng!!!

Think of here, leaves from a cold smile, think of the pan city that seven level soul soul finally can't help but start?

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