Ye Li leaps down from mid air to the side of Xia Xingyun, the master of zhanmen gate.

"What are you waiting for?"

Ye Li, looking at Xia Xingyun, the master of zhanmen gate, said faintly.

After hearing this, Xia Xingyun, the leader of zhanmen sect, regained his mind. What did he think of, he cried out in a loud voice:

"children of zhanmen, kill these dark races for me!"

After hearing the words, all the people in the war gate have returned to their senses, and their fighting spirit is high!


All of a sudden, the cry of killing from heaven and earth suddenly appeared!

These wargate gene warriors rush into the dark races, like tigers into wolves. These dark races roll and crawl.

Ye Li did not continue to hand.

He knows that the eighth level heavenly Saint level dark race is the giant sky Bo jade pillar of these dark races, the sea Zijin Liang!

There is no longer a dark race. There may not be any living beings in the dark.

A day later, all the dark races that attacked the gate were wiped out.

Battle Gate, hall.

"Ye Li, if it wasn't for you, my battle would have been over."

Xia Xingyun, the master of zhanmen gate, looks at Ye Li with great gratitude and says.

Ye Li's face naturally does not appear any fluctuation. He slowly opens his mouth to Xia Xingyun, the leader of the gate of zhanmen:

"it's just a little work, nothing to thank."

After hearing this, Xia Xingyun, the leader of the battle gate, could not help shaking his whole body because he found that Ye Li not only had such terrible strength, but also was so modest.

He and Ye Li compared, not to say a heaven a ground, I am afraid also not much difference.

Ye Li stayed in the battle gate for another day, and then left the gate.

Continue to synthesize zombies in the wild.

However, it is too difficult for the Last Legion to upgrade now.


Suddenly, a life-saving voice came into Ye Li's ear.

Ye Li is stunned. He thinks why he can always hear the voice of help. Is this the traverser?

He urged tianlingtong to look and found a girl running over.

The girl looked a year or two younger than him, with a look of panic on her fair face.

I see, behind the girl, there are dozens of dark race are chasing madly, will soon come here.

A moment later, the girl finally appeared in front of Ye Li, and she naturally saw Ye Li.

"Help! Help

The girl saw Ye Li, as if she had caught hold of the straw, and called for help.

Leaf leaves from the face crown such as jade's face did not appear the slightest fluctuation, he looked at the young girl running lightly.

Before long, the girl ran to him.

The girl saw Ye Li didn't mean to save him, so she ran away in a hurry.

In the girl's eyes, Ye Li will also choose to escape, after all, so many dark races are chasing her.

But what she didn't think of was that Ye Li didn't make any action to escape.

"Hello, are you not..."

The girl turned back and just wanted to ask Ye Li to run away, because she felt that Ye Li had been scared silly.

But her words have not finished, but there is a scene that she will never think of.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just listen, dozens of broken wind sound suddenly appeared.

However, dozens of dark races have fallen to the ground, without any life fluctuation.

This, this, this

Looking at such a scene, the girl couldn't help being shocked.

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