"What are you laughing at?"

Ye Li's face appeared a touch of doubt, he really does not understand, this stone family elder how can also smile out.

He thought that the elder was just a gene warrior of the second level.

In the eyes of the stone family, the second terrace Saint level gene warrior is an extremely terrible existence.

But in front of him, the second terrace Saint level gene warrior is a thorough mole ant.

"I laugh at you for being too much of yourself

The face of the big elder of the stone family sneered.

He was amused to think of what Dianthus said in the hall.

There are so many zombies attacking the city wall outside the thunder base. How can it be that this person causes fewer and fewer zombies?

"Is it?"

Ye Li smiles to himself. He thinks that the elder of the stone family doesn't understand it?

"Well, I don't want to have too much nonsense with you. You leave."

Suddenly, Ye Li slowly opened his mouth to the elder of the stone family.


The big elder of the stone family was surprised. Of course, he didn't expect Ye Li to dare him to leave!

Did he forget that this is the stone family?

"Younger generation, if you are so arrogant, do you dare to fight with me?"

When this was said, all the children of the stone family all looked at Ye Li, just because they all wanted to see if ye Li would agree.

In their opinion, although Ye Li easily defeated the first genius of the stone family, Shi trace, it is absolutely impossible for Ye Li to be the opponent of the great elder.

You know, the elder is a great master of the second level!

The big elder of the stone family thinks the same way. He thinks that if he puts forward to fight with Ye Li, Ye Li will be scared out of his wits.

He did not want to do this, Ye Li is just a little generation in front of him!

But ye Li must be so arrogant. What can he do?

"Whatever you want."

Ye Li said faintly to the elder of the stone family, and a lazy color appeared on his face like jade.


All the children of the Shi family didn't expect that Ye Li would agree.

He How dare you?!


Of course, the elder of the stone family didn't expect that Ye Li actually agreed to come down.

"Younger generation, do you really dare to fight with me?"

"You are not a second level Holy Level gene warrior. Is there anything to be afraid of?"

Ye Li smiles indifferently.

For a while, the news of Ye Li's battle with the elder spread all over the stone family.

All the people of the stone family all went to the square. They wanted to see who was so arrogant that they dared to fight with the elder elder.

The head of the stone family, Shi Cheng and the elders, naturally arrived.

"Who will win, you say?"

"It goes without saying that, of course, it is the great elder."

"I think so."

The elders of the Shi Family discussed.

Dianzhu went to the side of Shicheng, the owner of the stone family. "Grandfather, everything I said is true. Why don't you believe it?"

"If it's true, the elder can't be his opponent."

Stone family master Shi Cheng said lightly.

Dianzhu secretly displeased, thinking that what they said was the truth, why did they just not believe it?

I saw that Ye Li and the elder had already confronted each other in the square.

With four eyes on each other, a great war seems to be coming.

Naturally, Ye Li's face did not show any fluctuation. He looked at the elder of the stone family and said slowly:

"I advise you to give up. The gap between you and me is too big."

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