Of course, the dark race of Sirius of the second rank is afraid. He is not only afraid, but also afraid to the point beyond the limit.

"Man, it is Did you do it? "

"Yes, is there anything to be surprised at?"

Ye Li slowly opens his mouth to the dark race of the second-order Sirius.

The dark race of the second-order King Sirius looks at Ye Chen in horror. He is not a complete fool. He knows that Ye Li is an extremely powerful gene warrior.

"Human beings, do you know who we are?"

Second level King level Sirius dark race stares at Ye Li.

Ye Li shook his head, "I have no interest in knowing who you are."

"We are the Sirius dark race!"

Second level King level Sirius dark race wants to use this to make Ye Li retreat.

It's a pity that his wishful thinking is wrong.

"Go ahead."

Ye Li looks at the dark race of the second level Sirius.

The dark race of the second level King level Sirius was surprised. Of course, he didn't expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

"What do you mean, man?"

"It means that you go back and tell your leader that I will come to you Sirius dark race in a minute."

The dark race of the second-order King Sirius was stunned.

But immediately he was relieved, only because he had to leave, must be joking.

If he really went to the Sirius dark race, it would be as if he wanted to die.

"Man, are you really going to let me go?"

Second level King level Sirius dark race looks at Ye Li with great doubt.

"Go ahead, my patience is limited."

Leaves from the mouth slowly.

The dark race of Sirius, the second level king of heaven, heard this and was reborn.

Then, he ran away from the place, the fastest speed in history.

"Master, you Why did you let him go

Liu Bao, leader of the Leishan organization, is greatly puzzled.

Not only Liu Bao, but other people are also puzzled.

"As I said, I will go to the Sirius dark race soon."


The people of Leishan organization were all surprised. They thought Ye Li was just saying something, but now it seems to be true.

"Master, do you really want to go to the Sirius dark race?"

"Is there anything that can't be done?"


Liu Bao, leader of Leishan organization, looked at Ye Li, "but elder, the Sirius dark race is very strong."

Leaf from smell speech smile, he really smile.

Naturally, he knew that a Sirius dark race was just a pathetically weak dark race in front of him.

Ye Li did not stay too much in Leishan organization. After asking the location of Sirius dark race land, he left Leishan organization.


Sirius dark race, clan land.


The second level Sirius dark race came to the hall, with a look of incomparable horror on his face.

"What's the matter?"

The leader of Sirius dark race was stunned. He didn't understand what happened to the second level King level Sirius?

"Chief, that's what happened."

Then Sirius said everything about the dark king.

All the Sirius and dark races in the hall were shocked.

"What do you say?"

The leader of the Sirius dark race only felt that he had heard something wrong.

"It's the real leader. I didn't even have time to see his hand clearly. All the people I took were finished."

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