Lin Jing looked at the Last Legion in horror. She would never have thought that the last legion was all six level heavenly Saint level zombies!

You know, this is a zombie of twelve six levels!

"Master, I I sincerely invite you to the Northern Wilderness League. "

After a long time, Lin Jing stabilized his mind and said to Ye Li.

Naturally, Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all. He pondered for a few seconds and then nodded. He also wanted to see what kind of power the so-called Northern Wilderness Alliance was.

Lin Jing see Ye Li agreed to come down, her white face appeared a smile of joy.

"Really, master."

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Ye Li said frankly.

With that, he put the eschatological Legion into the system space.

Lin Jing was surprised. Of course, she didn't expect that the Last Legion had disappeared in front of him.

"Master, what's going on here?"

Lin Jing only felt that Ye Li was extremely mysterious, and even the seventh demon general was killed.

I dare not think how strong she is.

Immediately, the two men went to the north desert alliance.


Northern famine League.

Ye Li and Lin Jing went to the northern desert League.

"Miss, you're back."

Dozens of gene warriors saw Lin Jing and called respectfully to Lin Jing.

Leaves from a smile, he did not expect the identity of this Lin Jing is not low.

But think about it. After all, she is a second-order Saint gene warrior. She is definitely the most favored woman among all the women.

Dozens of gene warriors naturally also saw Ye Li, their faces all appeared a look of doubt, but they did not dare to ask.

"Master, let's go."

Lin Jing said to Ye Li.

With that, Lin Jing and Ye Li walked into the Northern Wilderness League.

Dozens of gene warriors were surprised. They looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other for a while.

"Did you hear just now that the eldest lady called that man elder?"

"Yes, what can he do? Is it not a strong gene warrior? "

"Do you think it's possible that his name will be senior?"

Dozens of gene warriors found that even if they want to break their heads, they won't think about what's going on!

Ye Li and Lin Jing have entered the Northern Wilderness League.

"Miss, you're back."

Suddenly, a middle-aged man came into the eyes of Ye Li and Lin Jing.

"Yes, uncle ray, and my father?"

"The Lord is in it."

"Uncle ray, I went to see my father first."

Said, Lin Jing then walked into the hall, leaves from nature also followed up.

A middle-aged man was sitting on the top of the hall!

The middle-aged man is no other than Lin can, the leader of the northern famine League!

Ye Li is shocked secretly, thinking that he can't see through the realm of Lin can.

A sense of danger, a strong sense of danger.

"Xiaojing, who is he?"

"Father, it's so, so, so..."

With that, Lin Jing tells Lin can the whole story.

Lin can is surprised at the speech. Of course, he didn't expect Lin Jing to say such a thing.

"Xiaojing, is that true?"

"Yes, father."

Lin Jing heavily nodded.

Lin can, the leader of the northern famine League, is shocked. He thinks that there is such a genius in the world?

Killed by the seventh devil?!

You know, the seventh demon will be a dark race of the eighth heaven Saint level!

"What's your name, please?"

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