People on the square of course also saw the dialogue between Ye Li and Lei Dong.

They all think that Ye Li is a little too much.

After all, Lei Dong is a second-order heavenly Saint level gene warrior!

They think that Ye Li must not know Lei Dong's strength, or not to mention a war with Lei Dong, I'm afraid they are scared to death.

Between, Ye Li and Lei Dong went to the arena on the square.

In the square, it is impossible for Ye Li to be Lei Dong's opponent in any case!

Between, Ye Li and Lei Dong begin to confront each other on the challenge arena.

"Give up. You can't be my opponent at all."

Ye Li said faintly to Lei Dong.


People on the square heard Ye Li's words, and they all couldn't help but take a breath. Naturally, they didn't expect Ye Li to say such a thing.


Leidong naturally became very angry.

He has never seen such a arrogant person as Ye Li since he was born!

"Do you know I'm a second-order divine gene warrior?"

Leidong and square people's view is the same, that is, Ye Li doesn't know his strength.

But what Leidong never thought of was that Ye Li didn't have any holes in his face after he knew his realm, just as if he didn't hear any words at all.

"Do you think you're going to be my opponent?"

Lei Dong roars at Ye Li.

Ye Li smiles indifferently. He really can't think of a mole ant like Lei Dong. What is worth pretending in front of him.

"Since you don't think I'm your opponent, what are you waiting for?"

Finish saying, leaf from this Lei Dong hook finger.

Leidong saw Ye Li dare to hook his fingers, and he was more angry than ever!

"Looking for death!"

Leidong can't stand the arrogance of Ye Li any more, he flies towards Ye Li.

The people in the square saw that Leidong finally made a move, and they all began to sneer, because they all knew that Ye Li had no ability to resist in front of Leidong.

Just in an instant, Leidong then arrived in front of Ye Li's body!

See, Lei Dong a fist toward leaf leave heavy hit to go out!

People in the square all know that Ye Li will fly backward in the moment when he is hit by Lei Dong.

Then, as they thought.

They found that Ye Li was too scared to know how to dodge.

Lin Jing's white face is as calm as water. She has seen Ye Li's terror and knows not to mention a Lei Dong. Even ten Lei Dong can never be Ye Li's opponent.

On the high platform, Lin can, the leader of the northern famine League, has a wonderful face.

Intuition told him that Ye Li was not scared to resist, but did not want to resist at all!

He has never seen such a person as Ye Li.


There is no doubt that Lei Dong's fist heavily hit Ye Li's body.

Leidong sneered, he thought that Ye Li could be so arrogant, must have the corresponding strength.

But what he didn't think of in any case was this.

But the next scene, but let Leidong how also can't laugh.

Because ye Li didn't even step back after suffering a blow from him.

As if, he did not hit Ye Li at all.

How could it be?!

People in the square looked at the scene in front of them, and they couldn't help but look pale.

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