Lin can, the leader of the northern wasteland League in Gaotian, nods to himself.

He thought that the seventh demon might have been killed by Ye Li.

When Lin Jing told him earlier, he naturally had some reservations, because ye Li's age seems to be no more than Lin Jing's.

But his eyes

Lin can, the leader of the Northern Wilderness Alliance, thinks that after seeing ye Li's eyes, he will never forget it again.

It was as quiet as night, as deep as the sea.

After Lei Dong falls heavily on the ground, he is also muddled.

He would never have thought that he would suddenly fly out.

He did not see Ye Li's hand at all.

Directly now, Leidong finally understood why Lin Jing said he was not Ye Li's opponent.

For a moment, Leighton only felt that he was a thorough clown.

Ye Li did not stay in the arena too much, he slowly walked down the arena.

"Master, your defense is too terrible."

Lin Jing said to Ye Li.

Her white face was a little frightened, thinking that at that time she did not offend Ye Li too much, otherwise her life would disappear from this world forever.

"Ye Li, come here."

Lin can, the leader of the northern famine League, suddenly says to Ye Li.

Leaf from smell speech nodded, he went to the hall.

When he arrived in the hall, he found that there were not only the leader of the northern famine alliance, but also many gene warriors.

To his surprise, these gene warriors are very strong!

The lowest is also the seventh level divine level gene warrior!

This force

It was the first time Ye Li met such a terrible force.

"You don't know him yet?"

Lin can, the leader of the northern famine League, glanced at the hall and said.

All the people in the hall just saw Ye Li's elegant demeanor on the challenge arena, but they didn't know ye Li's name.

"He called Ye Li and killed the seventh demon general."

Lin can, leader of the northern famine League, continued.


Hearing the leader's words, all the gene warriors in the hall gasped and gaped.

They just want to spend ten days and ten nights without thinking that the leader would say such a thing.

"Lord, this Is that true? "

A seven level heavenly sage level gene warrior looks at the alliance leader Lin can and asks.


Lin can, the leader of the northern famine League, said.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, his intuition told him that the seventh demon was really killed by Ye Li.

And he has now learned that the seventh demon will really fall.


This seventh level heavenly Saint level gene warrior can't believe it. He looks up and down at Ye Li. He can't believe that Ye Li can kill the seventh demon General of level eight at this age.

"To tell you the truth, Lord, I don't believe it."

The seventh heaven Saint level gene warrior said.

All the people in the hall also nodded. They didn't want to believe that Ye Li killed the seventh devil general.

"The leader said you killed the seventh demon general. What if I don't believe it?"

The seven level heavenly sage level gene warrior looks directly at Ye Li and questions Ye Li.

"What does it have to do with me if you don't believe it?"

Ye Li said with a smile.


Naturally, the seven level heavenly sage gene warrior did not expect Ye Li to speak to him like this!

"Ha ha!" The seventh level heavenly Saint level gene warrior coldly looked at Ye Li, "in my opinion, you are a little generation who doesn't know the heaven and earth is thick!"

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