All the people in the hall, their eyes were wide open.

Just because ye Li's fist is about to collide with the seventh level heavenly Saint level gene warrior!

In the eyes of many people, Ye Li can never be the opponent of the seven level heavenly sage level gene warrior.

But what they would never think of in any case was that this was going to happen next.

When ye Li's fist and the fist of the seventh level Tiansheng gene warrior hit each other heavily, the seventh level heavenly Saint level gene warrior actually flies upside down.


Looking at this scene, all the gene warriors in the hall gasped. They didn't expect such a scene.

Seven level heavenly Saint level gene warrior, can't even resist a blow?

Ye Li lightly looks at the seven level heavenly Saint level gene warrior who hits the ground. Although he is also a level seven heavenly Saint level gene warrior, his realm is much better than other ordinary level seven heavenly Saint level gene warrior.

After the seven level heavenly sage gene warrior hit the ground heavily, he was also confused.

"You You...! "

At this time, where can the seventh level heavenly Saint level gene warrior still be able to say a complete sentence.

"Now, do you still believe in your eyes?"

Ye Li smiles indifferently.

All the gene warriors in the hall heard the words, all of you looked at me, I saw you looked at each other for a while.

"Good, good!"

Lin can, the leader of the northern famine League, said three good words in a row!

Only because now everyone should know that Ye Li killed the seventh demon.

At such an age, we have reached such a terrible state, and I am afraid there is no such thing in the whole world.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, his face naturally is not a bit of fluctuation.

In this way, Ye Li stayed in the northern desert League for a few days.

"Master, what are you doing here?"

Ye Li is sitting under a maple tree, but Lin Jing's voice appears in his ears.

He looked at Lin Jing.

"What can I do for you?"

Lin Jing naturally has nothing to do with her. Seeing ye Li asking, she doesn't know how to answer.

"Master, I, I, I I have nothing to do with it. "

After a long time, Lin Jingcai said.

Leaves from secretly a smile, "go."

Lin Jing a Zheng, he did not expect Ye Li will say such words.

"Master, go What

Lin Jing looks at Ye Li.

"Zombies gathering place." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Hearing this, Lin Jingwen can't help but shrink her pupils, because of course she knows what ye Li is going to do at the zombie gathering place.

"Good master, I'll take you."

Somehow, Lin Jing's face actually appeared a touch of surprise.

Then, Ye Li and Lin Jing came out of the northern wasteland alliance.

"Master, what kind of zombie gathering place are you going to

"The bigger the better."

Ye Li said indifferently.

Lin Jing nodded, then took the leaf to leave to walk toward a place.


Outside the ruins.

This is an abandoned city with a large area.

Ye Li just outside the moment will know that there must be a lot of zombies inside.

There was a wonderful look on his face.

"Master, this zombie gathering place is the largest zombie gathering place I know."

Lin Jing said to Ye Li.

Ye Li's face is as calm as water. He releases the last legion from the system space.

The last of the Legion is already in sight.

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