All the people in the restaurant looked at each other for a while, but they mocked Ye Li.

They secretly looked at Ye Li, but found that Ye Li's face had no fluctuation at all.

When they saw this, they couldn't help but breathe, and their heart finally fell down.

Zhou Yun ran back to the Zhou family in one breath.

He went to the hall.


After running into the hall, Zhou Yun called out to Zhou Shan, the leader of the Zhou family on the throne right above.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Shan, the leader of the Zhou family, said in a deep voice.

He has always known that Zhou Yun likes to make trouble outside. Naturally, he doesn't like it.

The elders in the hall also looked at Zhou Yun because they all wanted to know what had happened.

"Father, that's what happened."

Zhou Yun quickly told the story of everything.

"You You say it's a man and a woman? "

"Yes, father."

Zhou Yun a little puzzled, do not understand why his father's face would show such an expression.


Let Zhou Yun in any case also can't think of is, father unexpectedly heavy slap him!

"Father, what are you doing?"

Zhou Yun almost cried.


Zhou Shan, the owner of the Zhou family, looked at Zhou Yun angrily, "do you know who that man and woman are!"

The elders in the hall also thought of Ye Li and Lin Jing, and their faces were all shocked.

Zhou Yun froze for a long time before speaking.

"Father, do you mean they are strong?"

"It's not only strong, but it's the supreme existence of the eighth heaven Saint level gene warrior!"


Hearing this, Zhou Yun was frozen in place like a clay sculpture, unable to return to his original state for a long time.

Eight level heavenly Saint level Gene warrior?!

"What now, master?"

An elder asked Zhou Shan, the leader of the Zhou family.

"This is the end of the matter. I can only apologize to the adults."

Zhou Shan, the owner of the Zhou family, said that at the moment, his whole body strength seemed to be drained by something, and his face was pale and weak.

"No more."

Suddenly, a very lazy voice was introduced into the ears of gene warriors in the hall.

Zhou Shan, the leader of the Zhou family, and the elders naturally know that it is Ye Li and Lin Jing who have come back. They are all at a loss because they think Ye Li and Lin Jing are here to set up a teacher to make a crime.

I saw that Ye Li and Lin Jing walked into the hall of the Zhou family.

Zhou Yun saw that Ye Li and Lin Jing came, he was scared to step back a few steps away, and his face would be more frightened.

There is no natural fluctuation on the face.

"My Lord, this It's a misunderstanding. "

Zhou Shan, the leader of the Zhou family, said to Ye Li in a hurry.

Ye Li smiles calmly and says slowly:

"do you think I will see him in the same way?"

Zhou Shan, the leader of the Zhou family, was stunned at first. Then he took a breath and finally his heart fell down.

The same is true of the elders in the hall.

"I'm sorry for you!"

Zhou Shan, the leader of the Zhou family, spoke coldly to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun smell speech this just reacts to come over, he astonished unceasingly looked to leaf leave.

"My Lord, I have no eyes, I can't speak, my mouth is a broken mouth!"

"You see, I hit it now!"

With that, Zhou Yun slapped himself in the face.

"I'm not going to see you."

Ye Li opened his mouth slowly to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun Wen Yan stopped his hand and looked at Ye Li with gratitude.

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