On the hillside of the Sirius palace, everyone is as rigid as the clay sculpture.

They swear, they swear!

This is definitely the most shocking thing they have seen since they were born.

Ye Li put the Taigu Longyuan sword into the system space and returned to the hillside.

"My Lord, you are terrible."

The leader of the Sirius Palace said to Ye Li.

In this way, Ye Li did not know how many times he had heard it, and his face did not fluctuate at all.

"Master, what kind of existence are you?"

Suddenly, the leader of the Sirius palace tentatively looks at Ye Li.

Ye Li killed the eighth demon general and thousands of dark races. Of course, he wanted to know how terrible Ye Li was.

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the Sirius Palace also looked at Ye Li, just because they all wanted to know the realm of Ye Li.

When ye Li heard the speech, he gave a faint smile. He nodded slightly and looked at the sun in the sky, and then slowly opened his mouth:

"I'm not afraid of existence, but an eight level heavenly Saint level gene warrior."


Hearing Ye Li's realm, the people in Sirius palace could not help but gasp and gape.

The eighth level?

You know, this is the eighth heaven Saint level!

In their eyes, the eighth heaven Saint level gene warrior is the existence that can not be expected.


Northern Wilderness grassland, dark palace!

Right above the dark throne, the Lord of the dark hall roared:

"who is it! Who the hell is it? "

These days, the seventh, eighth and ninth demons are all dead.

Of course he was furious!

"If we go back to the temple master, we have already found out that it was made by a man named Ye Li!"

The sixth demon said to the Lord.

The Lord of the dark hall looked very cold.

"Ye Li

"Go and get his head back!"

"Yes! The Lord of the temple

The sixth demon answered, and then he left the temple of darkness.


Ye Li and Lin Jing did not stay in the Sirius palace more, they left the Sirius palace.

"Where are we going now, master?"

Lin Jing looks at Ye Li.

"Go back to the Northern Wilderness League."

Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Lin Jing heard the speech and nodded.

Immediately, the two men went to the north desert alliance.

But what they didn't think of was that just a few minutes after they left, a dark race appeared in front of them.

Lin Jing looked at the dark race in front of her, and her white face could not help but be frightened.

"No The sixth devil general

Lin Jing said in astonishment.

Sixth Magic general?

Ye Li smiles to himself. The sixth demon will be a ninth level heavenly Saint level dark race.

However, he is now a level 8 heavenly Saint level gene warrior. With the eschatological legion, it is not too difficult to kill a nine level heavenly Saint level dark race.

"Man, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The sixth demon will speak slowly to Ye Li.

"What are you waiting for me?"

Leaves from the face crown like jade face appeared a touch of doubt color.

The sixth demon general said with a cold smile, "you killed my seventh, eighth and ninth demons in the dark hall. Now you ask me what I'm waiting for you for?"

Leaf from smell speech understand come over, "that your meaning is to say, come to kill me?"

"Of course

The sixth devil said coldly.

"But if you are going to die soon, how can you kill me?"

Ye Li's face appeared a touch of fun.

The sixth demon will look cold, of course, he did not expect Ye Li to say such words.

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