After pondering for several seconds, the leader of Honglian cult sneered.

"Hehe, do you want to destroy our red lotus sect? What a whim

All the elders in the hall could not help laughing.

They swear, it's definitely the funniest joke they've ever heard.

"Master, that man is so powerful that I haven't even seen how he made a move, and our dozens of brothers are all over."

The king level gene warrior of the tenth terrace was wet with cold sweat. He said to the leader of Honglian sect in terror.


The leader of Honglian sect gave a big drink to the king level gene warrior of ten terraces.

Hearing this, the king level gene warrior of ten terraces dare not continue to speak.


Suddenly, another honglianjiao gene warrior came in.

The gene warrior's face also had a look of panic.

"What's the matter?"

"Lord, there are two people down the mountain. One of them is so strong that he killed hundreds of us."


Hearing this, the leader and elders of Honglian sect all rose from their chairs.

Thinking of the words of the king level gene warrior in the ten terraces, I heard such words.

Is it a person?

"How many years!" The leader of Honglian sect said coldly, "no one has ever dared to treat me like this?"

The voice fell, and the leader of Honglian sect walked out.

Then all the elders in the hall went out with them.

Before long, they saw Ye Li and Lin Jing.

The leader of Honglian sect looks at Ye Li and Lin Jing.

"Are you trying to break into my red lotus sect?"

At the moment, thousands of people are staring at Ye Li and Lin Jing. In their eyes, Ye Li and Lin Jing are already dead bodies, and there is no possibility of survival.

What the leader of Honglian sect didn't expect was that Ye Li shook his head.

"We don't want to break into the red lotus sect."


The face of the leader of Honglian sect showed a look of doubt.

"We just want to destroy the red lotus sect."

Leaves from the mouth slowly.


As soon as this word came out, the red lotus taught thousands of people to take a breath of air conditioning, and looked at Ye Li with astonishment.

Of course, they did not expect that Ye Li would say so.

They have seen too many arrogant people, but it is the first time for them to see such arrogant people as Ye Li.

"Younger generation, I think you have eaten the gall of leopard with bear heart!"

The leader of Honglian sect said to Ye Li.

Leaves from a calm smile, "I will never eat bear heart leopard gall."

Hearing this, the head of the red lotus sect leader has already burst out of anger.

"Younger generation, do you know how high the sky is and how wide the earth is?"

"I don't know, but I know I'll kill you soon."

Honglian taught thousands of people to be extremely angry.

"Break them to pieces for me!"

Suddenly, the leader of the red lotus sect cried out.

With the voice of the leader of Honglian sect falling, thousands of Honglian sect gene warriors are coming to Ye Li and Lin Jing.


A flash of cold light appeared in front of them.

The sound of swords and Dragons began to ring.

Suddenly, I saw a five clawed blood dragon perched on the top of Ye Li's head.


To leave leaves and Lin Jing rushed to thousands of gene warriors, looking at such a scene, can't help but panic.

They would never dream of such a vision.

The leader and the elders of Honglian sect were frozen like clay sculpture.

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