Ye Li looks at the Yellow elder who is boxing.

There is no danger in his eyes.

Even he felt that his power to tickle was greater than that of the Huang family elder.

Huang Jun, the head of the Huang family, and all the elders saw that Ye Li had not made any resistance or defensive power, so they couldn't help but be astonished.

They thought Ye Li could be so arrogant. He must be a good gene warrior.

But now it seems that they are not only wrong, but also more wrong.

Because ye Li has been scared to avoid.

There is no doubt that the Huang family elder's heavy blow on Ye Li's body.

Everyone in the hall, except Lin Jing, knew that Ye Li would fly backwards.

Although outside the zombie gathering place, Huang Qing has seen Ye Li's defense!

After all, Shi Biao is only a second level King level gene warrior, but this Huang parent old man is a sixth level Heavenly King level gene warrior.

The gap is insurmountable.

But what the people in the hall didn't think of was that Ye Li didn't fly backward, nor did he even step back.

Seeing this, all the people in the hall were dumbfounded.

They quickly rubbed their eyes because they thought they must be wrong, but no matter how they rubbed their eyes, the result was the same.

Quiet, the needle can be heard.

All the people in the hall did not dare to make a sound. Their faces were as frightened as they could.

"This, this, this..."

The yellow parent swallows his mouth and looks at Ye Li in astonishment. For a long time, he can't say a complete sentence.

"I said, you are just a poor weak mole ant," Ye Li calmly smile, "why don't you believe it?"

Huang Jun, the owner of the Huang family, was also stunned.

"You Who the hell are you? "

Huang Jun, the owner of the Huang family, asked Ye Li.

Leaf from a smile, "perhaps I am a very strong person."

Huang Jun, the owner of the Huang family, was shocked. Naturally, he had never seen such a person before.

"By the way, I said I have a lot of zombies. It seems that you don't believe it."

Sound down, Ye Li released the Last Legion in the system space.

The twelve heavenly holy zombies of the last legion appeared in the hall.

Huang Jun, the head of the Huang family, and the elders were stunned by the sudden appearance of the last legion.

Naturally, they didn't expect that there would be so many human beings in the hall.

But when they felt the breath coming from the body of the eschatological legion, they were all terrified.

Just because they know that these are not human beings, but zombies!

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

Huang Jun, the head of the Huang family, exclaimed.

The faces of the elders were also very dull, as if they had seen something that could never be seen.

"Nothing in this world is impossible."

Ye Li said faintly.

Huang family master Huang Jun smell speech, he swallows saliva, greatly frightened unceasingly looking at Ye Li.

"Please tell me the grade of these zombies..."

Huang Jun's words did not finish, but the next meaning is self-evident.

But Huang Jun, the head of the Huang family, called Ye Li

This is what leaves did not expect.

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