The onlookers were shocked at the speech.

Of course, they didn't expect that Ye Li still dared to admit on his own initiative.

Doesn't he know that voluntary admission is death?

Dozens of Lin family gene warriors watch Ye Li.

There was already a great deal of anger over their heads.

"Boy, you dare to kill our young master of Lin family. I think you want to die!"

Yinluo, a nine level Heavenly King level gene warrior flies towards Ye Li.

All the onlookers know that Ye Li's life will soon disappear from the world.

What they didn't dream of was that this was going to happen next.


I saw that the nine level King level gene warrior was about to arrive at Ye Li's side, but he sent out a scream of astonishment.

With the fall of the scream, the life of the nine level King level gene warrior disappeared forever.


All the people present were shocked to see that the Ninth level King gene warrior was dead.

They didn't see how Ye Li did it.

"You, you, you..."

Dozens of gene warriors in the Lin family were all scared to death.

"Ha ha."

Leaf from indifferent smile, "what are you waiting for? Come here and let me kill you. "

Dozens of Lin's gene warriors heard the words, such as falling ice caves, looking at Ye Li in shock.

They want to say something to Ye Li, but where can they say a complete sentence at this time.

Ye Li saw that dozens of Lin family gene warriors didn't mean to come over, so he shook his head secretly.

"If you don't come, I'll have to go."

The voice falls, leaf Li urged God to walk a hundred steps.

Suddenly, the leaves disappeared in place.

How could it be?!

All the people present were surprised. They found that Ye Li's position left only a shadow.

They quickly look for the figure of Ye Li.

But they found that even if their eyes were blind, it was impossible to find out where the leaves were.

Ah, ah, ah!

Suddenly, the scream began to go on.

All the onlookers quickly fixed their eyes on it.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. They are scared out of their wits.

Only because dozens of Lin's gene warriors have all fallen to the ground, and they have no life.


Dozens of Lin's gene warriors are dead like this?

The onlookers were shocked to see Ye Li, and they thought how powerful the gene warrior could be.

Fang ting on one side is as rigid as a clay sculpture in place.

She thought, fortunately she didn't offend Ye Li just now, otherwise her life might have disappeared from this world.

A few seconds later, Fang Ting plucked up her courage and walked to the side of Ye Li.

"Master, you'd better leave quickly. The Lin family will not let you go."

Fang Ting said to Ye Li.

Leaf from smell speech a smile, "Lin family is very strong?"

"Very strong." Fang Ting nodded, "the master of the Lin family is a sixth level heavenly Saint level gene warrior."

Originally, Fang Ting thought that Ye Li knew the strength of the Lin family leader, and would be shocked to the point of no more.

But what she would never dream of was that Ye Li's face was not undulated, as if she had not heard any words at all.

"Master, you Don't you hear me

Fang Ting is really shocked. She thinks that the master of the Lin family is a sixth level heavenly Saint gene warrior.

How did you Not afraid?

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