The people of Fang family on the square looked at such a strange image, and they were all frightened to the extreme!

They had never heard of such visions before, let alone heard of them.

"This, this, this..."

The founder of the house and the elders were astonished to the point that they could not add more.

Ye Li's face does not have any fluctuation, he holds the archaic dragon Yuan sword, a sword heavy toward the sky to cut out.


With a sword, you can cut it out!

Suddenly, a supreme sword toward the sky and fly away.

And then it's divided into two parts.

How can it be!!!

The appearance of this scene, so that all the people in the square are like clay sculpture general frozen.

They would not even dream of such a scene.

With one sword, the sky is divided into two parts?

At first, some of them did not believe that Ye Li was a terror. Now they felt that they were not only wrong, but also extremely wrong.

The owner of the Fang family looks at Ye Li in astonishment.

Until now, he found out.

Leaf from the corner of the eye hidden thousands of layers of murderous gas, the body in front of the back with a hundred steps of prestige!

Such existence is simply too terrible!

"Master, you are so terrible!"

The owner of the Fang family said to Ye Li.

"Not bad."

Ye Li said slowly.

The square on the square people are extremely frightened to look at Ye Li.

Compared with Ye Li, they are one heaven and one earth.

Ye Li stayed at Fang's house for a day.

He is about to leave to continue to look for the zombie gathering place, Fang Ting at this time stopped him.


Ye Li looks at Fang Ting, only because he finds that Ye Li has some desire to speak and stops, as if there is something hard to say.

"What's the matter?"


After a few seconds, Fang Ting finally plucked up her courage and said to Ye Li:

"master, you Can you let me into tianqingzong


Ye Li, of course, has never heard of tianqingzong.

But he can think of it even with his toes. The so-called tianqingzong is just a general sect.

"Can't you get in by yourself?"


After Fang Ting nodded, she lowered her head.

"Lead the way."

Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Fang Ting originally thought that Ye Li would not agree, but now she heard Ye Li agree. Her white face couldn't help being surprised to the extreme.

Thank you very much

Fang Ting looks at Ye Li gratefully.

Ye Li's face naturally does not have any fluctuation.

Immediately, Fang Ting hurriedly left the house with leaves.

They left for tianqingzong.

It wasn't long before they arrived at Tianqing.

"Master, this is tianqingzong."

Ye Li sniffed at tianqingzong and found that it was just so.

"Let's go up."

They began to go up the mountain.

Ye Li and Fang Ting arrive at the gate of tianqingzong.

A dozen disciples of tianqingzong looked at Ye Li, and their faces were full of vigilance.

"Who are you? Do you know this is tianqingzong? "


Ye Li nodded.

"If you know, why do you dare to come here?"

"Because," Ye Li pondered for a few seconds, "I want her to be the top disciple of your tianqingzong."


A dozen of tianqingzong's disciples were stunned. In any case, they didn't expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, the ten tianqingzong disciples burst out laughing.

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