Naturally, the alliance leaders of the Northern Wilderness League would appreciate Ye Li. If ye Li was not there, it would be more difficult for them to destroy the dark palace of the northern desert grassland than to ascend to heaven.

Now that the dark palace has been destroyed, it means that their northern grassland will be safe forever.

"Ye Li, you are really terrible," the leader of the Northern Wilderness Alliance looked at Ye Li. "I swear, I've never seen a gene warrior like you."

Listening to the words of the leader of the northern wasteland League, Ye Li's face naturally did not fluctuate. Because of this, he did not know how many times he had heard of it since he crossed the world.

He stayed in Beihuang League for a few days and then left.

He not only left the Northern Wilderness League, but also left the northern grassland.

Ye Li came to a base city, which is called virtual cloud base city.

Xuyun base city is very big, at least he has not seen such a huge base city for a long time.

He was walking in the street of Xuyun base city.

He found that the men and women on the streets of Xuyun base city had more or less a happy smile on their faces.

Ye Li urges tianlingtong and starts to look for it in Xuyun base city. His purpose is to find a good restaurant.

A few seconds later, Ye Li found a restaurant that looked pretty good.

He walked slowly past.

He thought that every time he went to the restaurant to eat, he would meet some unknown people. He hoped that he would never meet this time.

After Ye Li entered the restaurant, he ordered a lot of delicious food, and he began to eat and drink.

But let him want to break the head also won't think of is, this time he met a person who does not know.

I saw that a teenager came to his side and looked at him with great disdain.

"Don't you think it's embarrassing how you eat?"

"Is it?"

Ye Li smiles.

He thought it was funny to talk to this young man. He dared to talk to him like this.

However, this young man is a genius, but at the age of 20, he has reached the second level of heavenly king level.

Of course, the youth in front of Ye Li, is still too far away, he is like an insurmountable mountain, let the youth look up also can not see.

"Ha ha!"

The youth coldly smile, extremely disdainful looking at the leaf leaves.

"Do you know that people like you should not appear in such a high-level place?"

"But I have appeared. What are you going to do?"

As soon as the words came out, the young man could not help but get angry.

People in our restaurant also looked at each other, just because they would never think that Ye Li would dare to speak to Chen Shao in this way.

You know, Chen long, the young master of the Chen family, is one of the dandies in Xuyun base city.

Chen Long listen to Ye Li's words, can't help but be extremely angry, he looks at Ye Li.

"Do you know who I am?"

In Chen Long's opinion, Ye Li must not know who he is, or he would not dare to speak to him like this in any case.

"I don't know who you are, and I'm not interested in knowing who you are." Ye Li said faintly.

Chen Long sneered and said to Ye Li coldly:

"what if I told you that I was the young master of the Chen family

Yinluo, Chen Long looks at Ye Li's face, because he knows that after he says his identity, Ye Li's face must be incomparably wonderful.

The people in the restaurant also looked at Ye Li, their eyes were opened a little bit bigger than usual.

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