In the leaves behind the girl, see all the dark race all rushed to Ye Li, her white face appeared a deep shock color.

Leaf from indifferent smile, he secretly shook his head, thinking of these dark race why do not understand?


Suddenly, the sound of the broken wind appeared.

Then came the screams of a dozen dark races.

On the forehead of these ten dark races, there is a shocking blood hole.

This, this, this

The king level dark race of the four terraces still in place was like a bolt from the blue, and his face was shocked.

The girl is also as rigid as the clay sculpture.

Only because in her eyes, Ye Li is too terrible.

She swore that she had never seen such a terrible gene warrior as Ye Li.

"Come here." Ye Li pointed to the dark race of King level on the fourth terrace.

The king level dark race of the four terraces swallowed their saliva and said in horror:

"Lord, you and you..."

But before the dark race of the king level of the four terraces had finished speaking, Ye Li interrupted him.

"Let you come here, don't you hear me?"

As soon as he said this, a chill came from the top of the king level dark race on the fourth terrace to the bottom of his feet.

He knew that he could never be Ye Li's opponent.

If you want to live, you can only walk towards the leaves.

Immediately, the king level dark race of the four terraces came towards Ye Li with a look of panic on his face.

"My Lord, can you spare me?"

The king level dark race of the fourth terrace tentatively looks at Ye Li.

"What do you say?"

Ye Li spoke slowly to the king level dark race on the fourth terrace.

The king level dark race of the fourth terrace is not a fool. He knows that Ye Li can't let him go.

An idea came into his mind.

The idea is Run for your life!

Then, the king level dark race of the four terraces began to flee.

"Master, he escaped!"

The girl cried out in a hurry.

Ye Li smiles to himself. Naturally, he won't let the dark race of King level of the four terraces escape.

"Ha ha."

As the laughter fell, the king level dark race of the four terraces made a scream of astonishment.

I saw that the dark race of King level of four terraces fell to the ground.

Ye Li's face still has no fluctuation.

He came up to the girl.

The girl's white face was terrified.

"Tell me your name."

"If you go back to my predecessors, my name is Lu Xue."

Ye Li nodded.

"Do you know where zombies congregate?"


Lu Xueyi surprised, she naturally did not expect that Ye Li would say such words.

"Master, what are you looking for where zombies gather?"

Lu Xue finds that she just wants to break her head and can't figure out what ye Li is going to do.

"Leave it alone."

Ye Li said slowly.

Lu Xue pondered for a few seconds and then said to Ye Li:

"master, I know where zombies gather."

"Take me."

Lu Xue was surprised.

It's a zombie gathering place.

"Master, can you not go?"

Lu Xue looks at Ye Li tentatively.

"What do you say?"

It's a three word word word word, but it's only a word.

Lu Xue doesn't dare to go on, because she knows that if she continues to refute Ye Li, her life will disappear.

Immediately, Lu Xue had to take the leaves away and go to a place.

A few hours later.

He and Lu Xue finally came to a zombie gathering place.

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