At this moment, in front of Ye Li's body, the two first-order heavenly Saint level zombies, their faces are all scared to the extreme!

Even before they had time to see clearly, the first-order heavenly Saint level zombie died like this.

They are not a fool. They know that Ye Li is an extremely powerful gene warrior.

"Man, you How can you be so powerful? "

A first level celestial Saint level zombie looks at Ye Li in horror.

Ye Li's face still did not have any fluctuation, he indifferent smile.

"Don't worry about it. Come here."

I saw that Ye Li pointed at the two first-order heavenly Saint level zombies in front of him.

Hearing the words, the two first-order heavenly saints began to tremble.

Where do they dare to cross.

Suddenly, these two first-order heavenly Saint level zombies looked at each other, and an idea suddenly appeared in the mind.

The idea is, run for your life!

All of a sudden, these two first-order heavenly sage zombies began to fly for their lives.

Looking at the escape route of these two first-order heavenly saints, Ye Li couldn't help laughing.

He knew that these two first-order heavenly saints did not want to escape.

But how could he escape?


The sound of two broken winds appeared, and two terrible spiritual power attacks flew out toward two first-order heavenly Saint zombies.

All of a sudden, the two first-order heavenly saints fell to the ground.

Ye Li opened the synthetic lattice in his mind and synthesized these zombies.

Zombies don't gather in the zombies for long, and they don't leave the field.

After Ye Li walked out of this zombie gathering place, a big voice appeared in his heart.

"Master, we found a large zombie gathering place!"

Listen to a big voice, leaves from the face crown such as jade face can not help but emerge a smile.

Then, the position of the last legion appeared in Ye Li's mind.

Ye Li follows the coordinates and goes to a place.

A day later.

Ye Li finally arrived at the large zombie gathering place.

This zombie gathering place is indeed a large one. Even if ye Li is still outside, he will know the horror of the number of zombies inside.

"Go in."

Ye Li said to the last legion.

Just as the last legion was about to enter, a voice came into their ears.


I saw that several warriors appeared in front of Ye Li.

Ye Li and the last legion stopped.

"Don't you know, human beings, that this is a zombie gathering place?"


Ye Li nodded.

Hearing the speech, these soldiers were stunned and thought that if they knew it was the gathering place of zombies, why did they dare to go in?

Just as one of the Warriors is going to continue to speak to Ye Li, he has noticed the eschatological Legion.

The warrior swallows because he doesn't feel any human breath from the body of the eschatological Legion.

On the contrary, it seems that it is the human breath!

"Mourning Zombies? "

A few seconds later, the warrior turned pale.

The rest of the martial arts heard the speech, and their pupils couldn't help shrinking.

They looked at the eschatological Legion because they had noticed.

For a moment, several warriors stepped back in a hurry.

"Man, you Can you control zombies? "

"Is there anything strange about that?"

Ye Li nodded and said.

A few big leaves are surprised.

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