"Go, the last legion."

Ye Li spoke slowly to the last legion.

At the time when the tianxinzong patriarch and the elders were stunned, the Last Legion had already ejected.

In a flash, the last legion was among thousands of white winged dark races.

Ah, ah, ah!

all of a sudden, thousands of white winged dark races screamed with astonishment.

The sound of scream is too tragic to listen to, people can not help but scalp a burst of numbness.

The powerful combat power shown by the last legion made all the gene warriors of tianxinzong shocked.

Before long, thousands of white winged dark races lost their lives in this world forever.

This, this, this

The white winged dark race of the ninth order heavenly Saint level looked at such a scene, like five thunders, and looked at Ye Li in horror.

And leaves from the face crown like jade face or no wave.

"Come here," I saw, Ye Li hooked his finger at the white winged dark race of the Ninth Heaven level.

How dare the white winged dark race of the Ninth level heaven Saint level dare to come here.


It's a pity that the words of the white winged dark race of the Ninth level heaven Saint level can never be finished.

Just because when he said a word, Ye Li had already flew towards him.

All of a sudden, the body of the white winged dark race of the Ninth Heaven Saint level turned into powder!

Shock, absolute shock!

All the gene warriors of tianxinzong are looking at Ye Li and the Last Legion in terror.

Finally, the Tianxin patriarch and the elders finally reacted.

They just thought the eschatological legions were not human beings. Now they know that the eschatological legions are all Zombies!

See here, tianxinzong patriarch and all elders are extremely frightened.

"Master, they They are zombies. "

Just listen, the Lord of Tianxin sect says to Ye Li.

Leaf from a smile, "this has what to be surprised at?"

Hearing this, the leader of Tianxin sect didn't know how to speak.

Immediately, Ye Li and Zhao Qian said a few words, he left here.

Just because, in his opinion, it's not worth staying.

He's going to have to keep looking for zombies.

A few days later.

Ye Li finally found the zombie gathering place again.

It's just that this zombie gathering place is not very big.

Ye Li released the last legion from the system space, and let the latter army enter the zombie gathering place to synthesize zombies.

And he was walking around.

Let Ye Li is very did not think of is, not long after he found a base city.

This base city is absolutely large, and it seems to have great momentum.

Then, leaves from the face emerged a touch of wonderful color.

He did not stay too much, but went to the base city in front of him.

After arriving at the base city, we found that the base city was full of people.

Let leaf leave dream also can't think of is, here unexpectedly someone is throwing hydrangea.

That is to say, whoever throws the hydrangea will marry the one who throws it.

I see, throwing Hydrangea is a young woman similar to Ye Li.

More leaves from did not expect is, Hydrangea unexpectedly threw to his body.


He did not catch the hydrangea.

Just listen, the woman shouts:

"it's him, it's him!"

When they heard this, they were all disappointed.

Before long, there were several gene warriors who came to Ye Li's body.

"Please come with us, sir."

One gene warrior said to Ye Li.

Ye Li naturally will not choose to go with them.

These several gene warrior a Zheng, see Ye Li does not have any meaning that wants to pass, they are all stunned.

"Please come with us, sir."

Ye Li is still standing in place like a clock.

Looking at such a scene, everyone was shocked.

This man

Is it a deaf person?

See, throw Hydrangea woman a face is not happy, she walked to leaf from side.

"Are you deaf?"

The woman's name is Lu Xiaojia, he said coldly to Ye Li.

"What do you say?"

Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Seeing ye Li is not deaf, Lu Xiaojia is very happy.

"I've thrown my Hydrangea at you. You're the man."

Lu Xiaojia naturally sees Ye Li's throwing, because she has never seen such a beautiful man as Ye Li since she was born.If she had not seen it with her own eyes, she would never have imagined that there would be people like Ye Li in this world.

"Give you a second to disappear in front of me."

Ye Li said faintly.


As soon as this word came out, all the people present were shocked and pale. In any case, they would not think that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"You What do you say

Lu Xiaojia looks cold and looks at Ye Li with great displeasure.

People looked at each other, how can they believe that in the coastal base city, there are people dare to talk to Lu Xiaojia like this.

Ye Li is not ready to continue to pay attention to Lu Xiaojia such mole ants, he walked away slowly.

Lu Xiaojia naturally won't let ye leave so easily. She stepped in front of Ye Li.

"Do you know," Lu Xiaojia looked at Ye Li, "who am I?"

In Lu Xiaojia's opinion, Ye Li must not know her identity, so she dare to say such words.

"My name is Lu Xiaojia."

Lu Xiaojia then said to Ye Li.

In any case, she didn't think of her own name in the face of Xiaoye.

"You Don't you know who Lu Xiaojia is? "

Lu Xiaojia gritted her teeth.

"I don't know who Lu Xiaojia is, but I do know that Lu Xiaojia is a mole ant."


All the people present heard this, they all couldn't help but take a cold breath. They didn't think that Ye Li would say such a thing.


Ye Li said faintly.

"You Look for a fight

Suddenly, I saw Lu Xiaojia slapped heavily on Ye Li's body.

Ye Li did not make any dodge color.

There is no doubt that the palm of the heavy hit on the leaf from the body!

The onlookers thought that the leaves would fly out immediately.

But they didn't think that this was what happened next.

I saw that Lu Xiaojia slapped on Ye Li's body, but ye Li didn't step back.

"Why How can it be? "

Lu Xiaojia was tongue tied.

You know, I'm a gene warrior of the third heaven King level.

One's own palm, how can't make any harm to the person in front of him.

After a long time, Lu Xiaojia came back to God and looked at Ye Li.

"You How could your defense be so terrible? "

"Guess, I'll tell you."

Ye Li said faintly.

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