The elder of Zhangjia looks at Ye Li with great disdain.

"What am I laughing at?"

The elder of Zhangjia thought that Ye Li's words were too funny.

"Younger generation, don't you really feel that you are so weak in front of me?"

All the gene warriors behind the great elder of Zhangjia can't help laughing.

They only think Ye Li is too funny.

"Is it?"

Ye Li's face appeared a touch of fun and ignorance.

Looking at the look on Ye Li's face, Zhang Jia's elder couldn't help looking cold. Naturally, he didn't expect that Ye Li could still show such a look.

"Looking for death!"

Just listen, Zhang Jia elder cold drink a sound, toward Ye Li Fei attack, speed to the extreme!

Seeing that the elder of Zhangjia made a move, the faces of all the gene warriors in the Lu family all showed a look of horror.

Ye Li looks at the big elder of Zhangjia who comes quickly. He smiles to himself.

He thought of a poor weak mole ant, but he dared to fight him. I don't know.

Just in an instant, the elder of Zhangjia came to Ye Li's body. He stood up his thug and hit Ye Li fiercely.


After everyone in Zhangjia thought that Ye Li's life would disappear from the world, the next scene was to make them all pale.

Only because, Zhang Jia elder's palm, did not cause any harm to Ye Li.


Seeing this, all the people present couldn't help but take a breath of air, and the more astonished their faces were, the more astonished they were.

How How is that possible?

Did the elder's palm not cause any damage to this person?

In the eyes of hundreds of gene warriors in Zhangjia, this is absolutely impossible to happen.

"You You, you... "

The elder of Zhangjia looks at Ye Li in horror. He wants to break his head, but he doesn't think that Ye Li's defense has reached such a level.

"Ha ha."

When ye Li smiles, a sarcastic color appears on his face, which is like jade on his face. He slowly opens his mouth to the elder Zhang Jia in front of him:

"you are such a mole ant, I don't know what it means

He was shocked when the voice dropped!

Suddenly, a terrifying psychic attack swept out of his body.

Of course, the elder of Zhangjia didn't expect that ye Lihui would suddenly make a move, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

To his horror, however, he found himself unable to escape.


Just listen, a pig like scream into the ears of all people.

Hundreds of gene warriors in Zhangjia looked at the scene in front of them. They were so frightened that they could not stop shaking.

Only because the elder has Dead!

There is a shocking blood hole on the forehead of the elder of Zhangjia. It is too terrible to look at it.

At the moment, hundreds of gene warriors in Zhangjia have been scared out of their wits. Where can they say a complete sentence.

You know, the elder is a level 8 heavenly Saint gene warrior. How could he die like this?

They can't believe it. They can't believe it!

At this time, Ye Li cast his eyes on them.

Hundreds of gene warriors in Zhangjia watched this scene, and they stepped back several steps, all of them turned pale.

At this moment, they only feel that Ye Li is not a person any more, but the Supreme God and devil killed from the inferno.

"You What do you want to do? We are... "

But the gene warrior of Zhangjia has not finished.

Then, the frightening screams continued.

My God!!!

Looking at the scene in front of them, all the members of the Lu family began to exclaim.

They have not even seen clearly how Ye Li made his move. Hundreds of Zhang Jia's gene warriors are already dead.

The whole process is too fast, even less than a second.

Quiet, dead silence.

The Lu family's gene warriors were all frozen in place, just because they saw a scene they would never see.

After a long time, Lu Feng, the leader of the Lu family, finally took the lead to return to God. He looked at Ye Li in horror.

"Master, Zhang Jia..."

"Is it terrible?"

Ye Li smiles indifferently.

Lu Feng, the leader of the Lu family, dares to swear that he has never seen such a terrible gene warrior as Ye Li since he was born.

As if he could not live.

"By the way, where is Zhangjia?"

Suddenly, Ye Li saw the road wind.Lu's family leader Lu Feng is surprised at his speech.

"Master, do you want to..."

Lu family leader Lu Feng's words did not finish, but the next meaning is self-evident.

"Go ahead."

Leaves from the road home main road wind slowly open.

Lu family Master Lu Feng had to tell the location of Zhangjia to Ye Li.

After listening to Ye Li, he didn't stop too much and ran to Zhangjia directly.

Not long ago, Ye Li came to the outside of Zhangjiakou.

At the moment, there are more than a dozen children of Zhangjia outside. They all look at Ye Li.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. All of you are shocked.

Because ye Li is so beautiful.

If it is not what green eye sees, it is to kill them. They can't believe that there are such beautiful people in the world.

For a moment, these ten children of Zhangjia were all stunned.

Because they think that compared with the leaves, not to say a sky, a ground is not much difference.

When the more than ten children of Zhangjia came back to God, they all looked at Ye Li with great displeasure.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is? "

One of the children of Zhangjia opened his mouth to Ye Li lenglengleng.

Ye Li smiles.

"Naturally, I know this is Zhangjia."

More than a dozen of Zhang's children are stunned at the smell of speech. They wonder if ye Li has anything to do with them?

"Are you a guest of our family?"


Ye Li shook his head.

The more than ten children of Zhangjia stayed there again, and did not expect Ye Lihui to answer like this.

"Since you are not a guest of our family, why do you want to come here?"

A son of Zhangjia looks at Ye Li with great disdain.

Ye Li's face did not have any fluctuation, he indifferent smile.

"Because I came to destroy your family."


Hearing Ye Li's words, more than a dozen of Zhang's children couldn't help but be shocked. If they wanted to break their heads, they would not think that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"What's the matter? Is that surprising? "

Leaves from the mouth slowly.

More than a dozen of Zhang's children came back to God and looked at Ye Li.

"Boy, you look like a madman!"

"I'm not a madman."

Ye Li said faintly.

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