Meilin looked at Ye Li's back, she rubbed her eyes, only felt that she was out of illusion.

She did not understand, she really did not understand, why there is such a strange person, and such a person is an ordinary awakening.

"What's the baby he's talking about?" Meilin said to herself.

In fact, Ye Li didn't know what kind of treasure he wanted. He had just passed through the past ten days. Where did he know there was any treasure, he just gave some practical ones, but where did he know, Meilin didn't have any.

"Yes, Yunman."

Meilin comes back to her senses and sends a message to Yunman with her communication list.

"Yunman, you'll wait for me there. I'll be right there."

Yinluo, Meilin is heading for the hotel.


Leaves leave more and more feel unworthy, super life potion is God medicine, ah, so use out, what should be said.

However, since they have been used out, I have to find a chance to go to Annan base city and ask for the baby.

At this time, it's getting late. Ye Li thinks it's better to continue tomorrow. He finds a place and asks a Da guard to sleep.


"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the zombie treasure chest X12. Would you like to open it with one key?"

"Open." Ye Li had no hesitation and had been waiting for the corpse chest for a long time.

"Gain 200 gene points, 200 strength points, 200 speed points, and 200 defense points."

"Ten boxes of food, chance to gain zombie enchantment x1."


"Congratulations to the host on becoming a level 7 awakener."

Ye Li is a little overjoyed. He jumps directly from level 5 to level 7, but it is normal to think of it. After all, there are 12 zombie treasure boxes.

What's the chance for zombies to enchant?

Zombie enchantment ability: can choose any of the zombie enchanting power, speed and defense.

Ye Li was stunned after watching it. He always wanted to find a female zombie who had the ability to cultivate. Now the opportunity has come.

He puts the first-order female zombie in system space into the composite grid and uses the zombie enchantment ability.

Enchantment has three attributes: strength, speed and defense.

Ye Li thought for a moment, since it is a female zombie, then the choice of strength and defense is not good.

Then ye Li enchants the speed attribute, and the first level female zombie has the speed ability.

He looked at the female zombie in front of him. The first-order zombie had some intelligence, but he could not speak.

The higher the level of the zombie, the higher the appearance will be, so he is not flustered.

"We have to give the female zombie a name. What can I do?"

After pondering for several seconds, Ye Li nodded and looked at a female zombie and said, "I'll call you Hongye later."


"Detected that the host named the zombie and got a treasure chest."

Ye Li opened the treasure chest without thinking about it:

"get the red dress suit."

Ye Li is stunned. Is this red dress suit?

Long dress + 10 fire value.

"Beauty + 10, then the red leaves should be much better."

Immediately, Ye Li can't wait to put on the red dress suit.


Ye Li was shocked. He could swear that he was really shocked.

At this time, red leaves in a red dress, long hair and waist, although there are corpses on the face, but it looks really beautiful.

"Red leaves..."

Ye Li couldn't help calling, although she knew that Hongye could not speak at this time.

Think of the higher the level of red leaves, and then the more beautiful, to reach the point where the skin can be broken by snapping fingers, how beautiful it is.

If you call him husband

Leaf from dare not think down, he really dare not continue to think.

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