"So you want to learn from me, don't you?" Ye Li interrupted Luo Yue's words.

Luo Yue was surprised. She looked at Ye Li's face. She didn't know why. When she looked at Ye Li's face, her heart would beat violently.

"Yes." Luo Yue clenched her teeth and nodded.

Now that she had been discovered, she had to admit it, even if her predecessors wanted to vent their anger on her.

Ye Li has some feelings. Luo Yue's age is no more than his size. It is not easy to make such a decision.

Man, shoulder the sun and the moon!

But can women do it?

"Do you really want to learn from me?" Ye Li asked again.

He wanted to cross into this parallel world for so long, and he had never accepted an apprentice. In fact, if he did, it would be good.

"Master, I really want to learn from you." Luo Yue's face is as delicate as jade.

Leaves from the leisurely smile, by the moonlight, he is really like the prince out of the fairy tale, his eyes, anyone will not forget.

It was as quiet as night, as deep as the sea.

"What genetic talent are you?" Ye Li said.

"S grade."

Sure enough, the bigger the place, the higher the level of genetic talent.

Luo Yue is a second-order evolutor. At the age of 19, she must be an S-level gene talent, and A-level gene talent can't be cultivated as a second-order evolutor in any case.

"If you want to be a teacher, you have to do three things first." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

This word, Luo Yue can't help but open her eyes, she thought that Ye Li would refuse her, but she would never dream of it, and there was a glimmer of hope.

"Master, what are the three things?"

Luo Yue's heart is now firm, she knows that she must do these three things well, only in this way, can let the fire grow.

Yanhuo is the painstaking efforts of her father's life. Her father was plotted by Han Hai. Now Han Hai is dead, and her revenge is revenge.

Luo Yue has only one idea now, that is, to make the fire strong, and I have only one way to make it strong, that is to worship ye Li as a teacher.

"The first thing is, you can find a weapon at will and cut it at my head. I won't hide." Ye Li said, looking at Luo Yue.

Luo Yue smell speech open eyes, she just want to break the head also won't think Ye Li will say such words.

Looking for a weapon to cut off the head of the elder?

It's so

"Why, dare not?" Leaves from the face crown like jade face evil smile.

Luo Yue's delicate face seems to have been frozen. Looking at the evil smile on Ye Li's face, her soul was shocked deeply.

"Since you don't dare, then you go out. I will never accept a cowardly man." Ye Li said slowly.

This word a, Luo Yue whole body is one shiver.

She finally summoned up courage, looked at Ye Li and said, "master, I dare."

Yinluo, Luo Yue then went out, I think to find weapons.

Ye Li looks at Luo Yue's back. His purpose is to train Luo Yue's courage. In this wilderness area, if he has no courage, how can he walk half a step.

A few minutes later, Luo Yue came in again, and she had an extra knife in her hand.

This Dao is just a very common sword. It is made of steel. Compared with the Dragon butcher's knife, it is one underground under the world.

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